I remember the multiplayer in Duke Nukem: Time To Kill was garbage, so my brother and I came up with several house rules to make it playable.
The most common was one we called SentiNeil*, where one player would collect all the weapons in the level, then stand on the highest ground available while the other player ran as far away as possible. They'd then have to rush towards the armed player, avoiding death however possible (without returning fire) and trying to climb up to the same level as them. This was quite fun.
Our other house rules weren't so much gametypes as scenes we'd repeatedly perform, with stuff like the player mistaking an armed pipe bomb for a 'remote controlled bone,' which would then blow them to bits.
Also, in Timesplitters 2 we'd always include the bot Calamari in our games, with the only real 'rule' being that we'd shout CALAMAAAAAAAARIIIIIIIIIIIIIII whenever he showed up.
edit: and I don't believe that house rules are a 'lost art' (though I do agree with the thing about mods/mutators stealing their thunder), I've had lots of bizarre metagames going on during games of TF2 or L4D... and if that sort of thing goes on between complete strangers, it's safe to assume blood relatives and friends inflict just as much madness upon the games they play as they ever have
*despite neither of us being called Neil, nor the game featuring a Neil, nor either of us knowing a Neil
Post edited March 10, 2009 by frostcircus