wegamebill: Unfortunately, this method still supports DRM. It may be ethically acceptable to you, but it's certainly not helping the DRM situation in any way.
That's the whole point: as long as I have an alternative that still supports to some extent the design studio/production team/game company (whatever you want to call it) I have no concern about the DRM situation.
I use and love Steam which is a DRM platform, I play
some DRM games because it's not as restrictive as other implementations and I will buy World of Goo off of Steam instead of from their website not because I don't want to support 2DBoy directly or because I like DRM but because I find Steam to be a great platform, it suits my needs (even offline play works for me for some reason) and because I can both support the developer and a content distribution platform that, even DRM enabled, still holds true to some basic principles I like.
Sorry if I haven't made much sense but it's 4AM over here and I'm working like mad on a project.
xkcd - Sleet