HampsterStyle: My first console I owned was one of the mid 70's
Atari/Sears Pong clones.
Wow! Your cheapo pong knockoff was so much fancier than the one I had. Mine was literally a black metal brick bigger than the PS1 with a coax out, power cable, 2 sliders and an on button. It didn't even keep score for you! Wish I still had it though, it could be used to kill burglars, the bastard was that damned heavy. Ahh late 70s engineering...
As for the original question, I'm 33 and I've got 10 originals of the games currently in the catalogue (I'm sort of cheating though, Patrician 3 isn't out yet and I only owned 1 of the battlechess games in that pack). It'd be a lot more if GOG had the back catalogue of Origin, Bullfrog, Microprose (I'm currently looking at my PC 5.25 floppy copy of Red Storm Rising), Lucasarts/Lucasfilm Games & EA before they started to suck.
As for the piracy argument, I have no problem with what I call "Day Piracy" to get a feel for the game (when demos aren't available which is becoming more common) before you drop way too much money on a cheap, short & unsatisfying experience. If I play it for more than a day, I buy it. I'm also a major supporter of DRM circumvention and noCDs FOR THINGS I LEGALLY OWN. I'm really tempted to buy Prince Of Persia (2008) on PC just because Ubi have released that without destructive DRM but the cynic in me can't help but be suspicious that they're only doing it to try and say "we tried to give it to you DRM free and people still pirated it so you're all thieves. Our games are now $20 more expensive and will require written permission before each session".