Posted December 28, 2008
Mikee: You know, even CDProjekt is 15 years old now we preserve small business culture and we still kind of bunch young guys, more gamers than business folks, so we just behave the way we wanted other companies to behave towards us as customers. No big magic;) And we don't have any corporate policies to hide behind them we just have our common sense which drive us, hopefully in right direction, actually I strongly believe that it driving us in the very right direction;)
if at all possible, being the big fish in a little pond is very beneficial. Being able to pick (to a certain degree) what games you will provide, and in what manner, can certainly mean the difference between sales and losses.
Imagine if there was say, an "Unknown Games service!" selling new indie titles that nobody knew anything about.. I would imagine they would not do well. While with GOG you have block buster titles, but of years back, you're selling classics. Old people who loved the games will buy them, and new people who want to learn more will buy too.