Posted July 12, 2009

Ferret lover
Registered: Dec 2008
From Mexico

Thievin' Bastard
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland

Three G's
Registered: Nov 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted July 12, 2009
I say who gives a damn about your gender, as long as you dig games.

Freelance Cop
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted July 12, 2009
May I poke my head in and say I, too, am interested in girl gamers? I know a bunch actually...MMO's seem to attract them.
it's kind of cool that not every elf chick that runs by you is a 44 year old plumber named bob anymore..only like half of them are now, heh.
I'll have to say I am interested because it would be *cool* to date a female gamer. Not something I have yet to do, but hey the hope is there. However, that being said, we need to get past the point where any woman that plays games or works in the games industry is automatically idolized as a sex goddess. Like say..Jade Raymond was on a bunch of stupid blogs. it is cool to meet real people that play games, regardless.
it's kind of cool that not every elf chick that runs by you is a 44 year old plumber named bob anymore..only like half of them are now, heh.
I'll have to say I am interested because it would be *cool* to date a female gamer. Not something I have yet to do, but hey the hope is there. However, that being said, we need to get past the point where any woman that plays games or works in the games industry is automatically idolized as a sex goddess. Like say..Jade Raymond was on a bunch of stupid blogs. it is cool to meet real people that play games, regardless.
Post edited July 12, 2009 by deejrandom

Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted July 12, 2009
I told my friend who is a girl about LOOM on Steam. Now I fear she's lost forever...

The Joe
Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted July 13, 2009

However, we have confirmed the existence of the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, the Roswell aliens, and God. Alas, the elusive creature known as the Female Gamer (Femme Elektronikus) remains at large with only blurry pictures offered by lonely, reclusive Mexican sheep farmers as "proof". We are still standing by for further reports but we are far from optimistic about receiveing any concrete evidence...
We haven't found proof of ANY 'God' and probably never will, Loch Ness Monster is most definitely an old dinosaur and there is probably more than one in there, Bigfoot is most likely a pack of Gigantopithecuses, and the government (By the way, FUCK YOU YOU IGNORANT LIARS!!!) won't confirm Extraterrestrials because it would destroy religion as we know it if you think long and hard about it. And seriously, what the fuck is with the whole 2012 shit?
Sorry, just a 15 year old taking some stress out on his POV.

This is No Zaku!
Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted July 13, 2009
Aliens? All I know about aliens is that they ruined Indiana Jones for me.
Also, for Gears of War I could see Vasquez from Aliens fitting into the world rather well.
Also, for Gears of War I could see Vasquez from Aliens fitting into the world rather well.

The Joe
Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted July 13, 2009
Even though I'm not a female gamer, I just want to say that I'm sick of all the stereotypical "Girls can't game worth shit" or "Any girl who plays a REAL game is really a guy" stuff. Even though my girlfriend isn't quite the avid gamer I am (Me being the one who has more than 9 MMO accounts, 50 different console games, 8 computer games/9 GOG games, at least 72 Flash games I have ripped off of websites for my notebook (I love you Newgrounds and Crazy Monkey Games!), 11 PSP UMDS, and (If memory serves me correctly) 47 different SNES & N64 games that I still play!) she loves Mario and others I can't remember off the tip of my mind. She has shown some interest in RPGS and I'm in the process of getting her to play Runescape (C'mon, it isn't that bad of a game.). AND many of my female friends are quite on my level of gamerness...I need to add that word to Wikipedia...... So yeah, there are PLENTY of female gamers, it's just the Wii fucked up the gaming community as we know it. Seriously, how can a 9 year old on an MMO I play say he is hardcore if all he plays on the Wii is the usual assortment of Nintendo developed minigames. Back on subject, all a girl needs is a few minutes of any game that isn't gay to be a gamer.
Ramba_Ral: Aliens? All I know about aliens is that they ruined Indiana Jones for me.
Also, for Gears of War I could see Vasquez from Aliens fitting into the world rather well.
Yeah, Lucas fucked up Indiana Jones for us with aliens. I think the Temple of Doom was the best.

Also, for Gears of War I could see Vasquez from Aliens fitting into the world rather well.
Yeah, Lucas fucked up Indiana Jones for us with aliens. I think the Temple of Doom was the best.
Post edited July 13, 2009 by Rohan15

Registered: Sep 2008
From Japan

Fruit Furry
Registered: Jan 2009
From Canada
Posted July 13, 2009
I love games that don't focus on gameplay.
From my experience guys are all about gameplay.
From my experience guys are all about gameplay.

Wild Dog
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

Fruit Furry
Registered: Jan 2009
From Canada
Posted July 13, 2009
No, why would you think that?
I never joke about games.
I never joke about games.

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted July 13, 2009

Also, because most female gamers I know don't play cult classics, only mainstream games like l4d. Sure you play to have fun, but you don't call yourself a hardcore gamer until you've beaten Deus Ex five times
Absolutly agree man Deus Ex was awesome, the one i game i know off by heart yet still love playing

Do you think girl gamers prefer a different sort of gaming experience from guys?

I enjoy pretty much everything. Love RPGs mainly. As for The Sims, yes, I am a huge fan but mainly because I love the whole "creating" aspect of it. Building houses and then furnishing is somehow therapeutic for me and creating a Sim to play that is completely different from how I am is an interesting concept; kind of like a "what if?" scenario.
Blue Force wasn't that that old police game? I liked that too did you ever play any of the Police Quests by Sierra they were like that
Post edited July 13, 2009 by nerog517

Registered: Oct 2008
From Panama
Posted July 13, 2009
In other forum I frequent we didn't demand tits to figure out if the poster was truly female. We simply requested that said female would take a picture of herself with socks on her ears just to be really sure she was who she claimed to be. And it worked.
I've no reason to doubt a forumer's word on his or her gender though.
I've no reason to doubt a forumer's word on his or her gender though.
Post edited July 13, 2009 by El_Caz

New User
Registered: Oct 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted July 13, 2009
Fixed. Always question. Take things at face value on the internet and you are likely to get (maybe literally) screwed. Also a fair few men seem to garner some sort of weird enjoyment out of tricking other men into thinking they are women. *shrugs* I don't pretend to understand it.