Posted July 16, 2009

To be honest, I hate threads like this. It gets annoying: "OMG, girls play video games!?!?!?" "Hah! I bet they only play Barbie and Hanna Montana!" "Since girls don't like mature shoot-em-ups, they're not REAL gamers!"
I'm a girl; I've played every genre out there, and liked a good deal of them (I stink at RTS's, and horror games are usually too much for me). When I was younger, during my NES, SNES, and Sega Genesis days, I only played platformers. After playing Legend of Legaia for the original Playstation, I went on a RPG kick for several years: story mattered, and nothing else. Now, with the PS2, PS3, and my PC, I like to have a happy balance between gameplay and story. I've sold games back to Gamestop because it had good gameplay but a crappy story, and vice versa as well (Tomb Raider Underworld: good story, BAAAADDD game engine - bugs, glitches, crap controls, etc).
Yes, I'm thinking of getting a Steam account just to play The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition, but I also recently finished my third playthrough of Bioshock for the PS3. I can't wait for the new Ratchet and Clank, but I also want Bioshock 2, Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition, and inFamous (money's tight; I can only have one).
So, gentlemen, here's the deal: girls play the same stuff you do. I'll try not to one-up you and get in your face, if you stop creating these topics. I just want to play games! Thank you.
*climbs off of soapbox*
Were not gentlemen, were gamer nerds. Jeez, women.. AM I RIGHT *nudge nudge*
JK lol