Posted July 06, 2009
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only gamer on the internet who just plays for fun and nothing else.
I don't understand the continual complaints about developers, or providers, or the relative merits of this game or that. I don't know why people lay hate on Steam, or on (insert game company here) or on this new sequel to that old classic, or why this change or that change to some IP or another is bad.
Games can be art, I'll grant you that. But it's always been my belief that the ultimate function of a videogame is implied by the title: it is a recreational activity, a source of fun, delivered through a computerized medium. Everything else is secondary.
Are some games more fun than others? Certainly. Did some games cost more to make than others? Often. Can a game still be fun if it is not as fun as whatever game before it? I don't see why not. Is there something wrong with a game if it is not delivering the exact experience you hoped for? Probably not, unless you were intentionally given false expectations by whoever made the game and sold it to you (But even in that case, who is the bigger fool? The developer? Or you?).
I can see the merits in saying "I had more fun with this game than with that one." If that's how you feel, so be it. Far be it for me to dictate or criticize the preferences of others. But I fail to see the reasoning behind saying that one game is BETTER than another. I don't think there is any simple hierarchal supremacy chain that every game must take a place on; I think there's just games and other games, and personally I'm content to live and let live.
It perplexes me sometimes that some people choose to dismiss games based on certain qualities, when the real complaint that they have, deep down, is that they're not having as much fun as they think they should be having. That's too bad, but why worry about it? There'll always be other games, as long as there are people with the imagination to create them. Why not just download, play, and be merry?
I don't understand the continual complaints about developers, or providers, or the relative merits of this game or that. I don't know why people lay hate on Steam, or on (insert game company here) or on this new sequel to that old classic, or why this change or that change to some IP or another is bad.
Games can be art, I'll grant you that. But it's always been my belief that the ultimate function of a videogame is implied by the title: it is a recreational activity, a source of fun, delivered through a computerized medium. Everything else is secondary.
Are some games more fun than others? Certainly. Did some games cost more to make than others? Often. Can a game still be fun if it is not as fun as whatever game before it? I don't see why not. Is there something wrong with a game if it is not delivering the exact experience you hoped for? Probably not, unless you were intentionally given false expectations by whoever made the game and sold it to you (But even in that case, who is the bigger fool? The developer? Or you?).
I can see the merits in saying "I had more fun with this game than with that one." If that's how you feel, so be it. Far be it for me to dictate or criticize the preferences of others. But I fail to see the reasoning behind saying that one game is BETTER than another. I don't think there is any simple hierarchal supremacy chain that every game must take a place on; I think there's just games and other games, and personally I'm content to live and let live.
It perplexes me sometimes that some people choose to dismiss games based on certain qualities, when the real complaint that they have, deep down, is that they're not having as much fun as they think they should be having. That's too bad, but why worry about it? There'll always be other games, as long as there are people with the imagination to create them. Why not just download, play, and be merry?