Yeah, it's necessary, as a human, to believe in the accuracy of your opinions. It's also necessary as a human to realize that by definition they can't all be 100% accurate, and to be willing to be convinced otherwise by a good, well-thought-out argument.
Some statements that don't fall under the category of well-thought-out arguments:
"Oblivion is teh best gaem evar!"
"FInal Fantasy is the greatest RPG series!"
"You're all morons, Ultima * is the best game ever"
"You're an elitist"
& etc.
POLE7645: I got the same impression. But still, this forum is pretty tame compared to the crap I got on Youtube (yes, I got an account there). There was a old-school elitist (who played games such as Wasteland and the Ultimas) who had the opinion that you couldn't like Oblivion AND be a decent human being (he repeatedly insulted others on many Oblivion videos). At the time, I was almost ashamed of being an old-school gamer (since my computer isn't that powerful).
How about this then: You can like Oblivion, but if you think it's the best CRPG ever, your mind is broken and needs fixing :P
And no, that's not a well-thought-out argument. That's the opening statement for one. That's for the lulz.