Posted December 01, 2010

As for the series I'd like to see revived...
Freelancer - was supposed to have a sequel, got cancelled. Terrible injustice.
Freedom Force - was supposed to be a trilogy, now we'll never know how it ends (unless you've read the Phoenix Saga in X-Men).
Advent Rising - goddamned game ended on a freakin' cliffhanger! Was also supposed to be a trilogy.
KotOR - yes, I know there is this MMO coming out, but that is not a sequel to one of the best damn games ever, that is a travesty.
Star Trek: Armada - I'm probably one of the few on this one, but I played the shit out of the first two games, would love to play me some more.
NOLF - the fact that there were only two of these games is another terrible injustice (I don't count Contract J.A.C.K., no one should).
Tron 2.0 - yes, I know about the new movie and the requisite video game tie-in, but neither of them have anything to do with this hidden gem of a video game.
Scrapland - Not really a great game, but a great universe to play in with tons of potential. A sequel or two would get my money.

But some crazy Wizards living on the Coast even removed the option to buy .pdfs of the old edition setting =(

I have not tried contacting them. I suppose the way to do it would be to sell the idea to the old Hipnotic crew and see if they can open doors for us.
Sin would make an excellent GOG.
Post edited December 01, 2010 by GameRager