Posted November 27, 2010

Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted November 27, 2010

Now thats a game that could benefit from the remake treatment (a new remake, not the remake they made in the 90s), give it top quality graphics and even better animation but keep the core gameplay (and have the ability to switch to the classic version like the Rtype remake did). It'd be a brilliant game simply because its already a brilliant game
Ahh another visitor. Stay a while, stay FOREVER!

*rude noise*
Registered: Jul 2009
From United States
Posted November 27, 2010
SiN Episodes. I mean, hell, there was even an American OVA (non-canonical, apparently, since, well, I won't spoil it here, but things happen in it that don't mesh with the games. And yes, most of the crew making the movie was Japanese, but the order to make the film came down from an American producer. As such, the original language is English, and so on).
I want a Sonic the Hedgehog 4 redo. Everything done in 8-bit/16-bit sprites and tiles, just like Sonic 3/S&K. If Capcom can strip down to brass tacks with Megaman 9 and 10, and get back to the format that made them famous, Sega should have no pretense about it either. It's like Mark Hamil telling everyone "That was a million years ago!!" to everyone who even HINTS at mentioning he was Luke Skywalker. Corvette Summer? Who the hell remembers that? Only the hardcore Star Wars fans that know it was the movie that wrecked your face and forced you to undergo reconstructive facial surgery in between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back.
I want a Sonic the Hedgehog 4 redo. Everything done in 8-bit/16-bit sprites and tiles, just like Sonic 3/S&K. If Capcom can strip down to brass tacks with Megaman 9 and 10, and get back to the format that made them famous, Sega should have no pretense about it either. It's like Mark Hamil telling everyone "That was a million years ago!!" to everyone who even HINTS at mentioning he was Luke Skywalker. Corvette Summer? Who the hell remembers that? Only the hardcore Star Wars fans that know it was the movie that wrecked your face and forced you to undergo reconstructive facial surgery in between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 27, 2010

I want a Sonic the Hedgehog 4 redo. Everything done in 8-bit/16-bit sprites and tiles, just like Sonic 3/S&K. If Capcom can strip down to brass tacks with Megaman 9 and 10, and get back to the format that made them famous, Sega should have no pretense about it either. It's like Mark Hamil telling everyone "That was a million years ago!!" to everyone who even HINTS at mentioning he was Luke Skywalker. Corvette Summer? Who the hell remembers that? Only the hardcore Star Wars fans that know it was the movie that wrecked your face and forced you to undergo reconstructive facial surgery in between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back.
Well, maybe as long as they add in SUBTITLES for the damn phone messages. Everything else had subtitles, even the VENDING MACHINES.....yet the phone messages sometimes were an inaudible blue amongst the other noises in-game.
Post edited November 27, 2010 by GameRager

Bak'laag Herald
Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted November 27, 2010

It would be nice if Ritual/ Mumbo Jumbo would release the source to the original Sin. With some tweaking it could be better than Half-Life. Unfortunately with the Zenimax purchase of id, I think the window for that sort of thing is closing fast.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 27, 2010

It would be nice if Ritual/ Mumbo Jumbo would release the source to the original Sin. With some tweaking it could be better than Half-Life. Unfortunately with the Zenimax purchase of id, I think the window for that sort of thing is closing fast.

*rude noise*
Registered: Jul 2009
From United States
Posted November 27, 2010
In the original game, at the end she entered a teleporter that compressed and divided her into four canisters, and beamed those four canisters to the four corners of Earth. Or to the Moon. I can't remember which. Apparently, the baddies got to those canisters and reassembled her before Hard Corps did, because she comes back in Episodes.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 27, 2010

Also, one of the canisters makes an appearance in Wages of Sin...called a can/canister of elexis. Blade even walks right past it at one point. Why he didn't take it with him I dunno, or destroy it even.

Registered: Feb 2009
From United States
Posted November 27, 2010
What if someone turned Commander Keen into a Metroidvania? O.o

Bak'laag Herald
Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted November 27, 2010

I've only gotten one ending. You confront Elexis and you end up getting into a boss battle with her father. Upon finishing him off you'll get a FMV where Elexis gets to press her button and gets turned into soda pop or something and is rocketed away. Blade gets slightly emo. Is there another ending? Please say 'yes'. :D
It's been a few years since I last played Wages of Sin. I don't recall there being much about Elexis. Maybe I missed something? There was the the statue in the makeshift chapel the mutants erected and one of the canisters you mentioned, but IIRC the game was really about Manero. The manual is unhelpful as the synopsis leaves things ambiguous. I found Wages to be a huge improvement over the original Sin but was pretty disappointed that Elexsis never showed up.
I get the feeling that Episodes didn't start at the beginning of their story. It's like they were going to fill us in on the significance of the canisters and what happened in between the games as we progressed through the future installments. I was reading the blog of one of the episodes devs a couple years ago. He talked about porting the original Sin to the Source engine and later on gave some hints on the Sin storyline. Unfortunately it was in riddle form and I couldn't make any sense out of it, but whatever Blade was injected with seemed to have a connection to the cannisters.
Maybe we can pry it out of him once Episodes is sufficiently old?

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 27, 2010

I've only gotten one ending. You confront Elexis and you end up getting into a boss battle with her father. Upon finishing him off you'll get a FMV where Elexis gets to press her button and gets turned into soda pop or something and is rocketed away. Blade gets slightly emo. Is there another ending? Please say 'yes'. :D
It's been a few years since I last played Wages of Sin. I don't recall there being much about Elexis. Maybe I missed something? There was the the statue in the makeshift chapel the mutants erected and one of the canisters you mentioned, but IIRC the game was really about Manero. The manual is unhelpful as the synopsis leaves things ambiguous. I found Wages to be a huge improvement over the original Sin but was pretty disappointed that Elexsis never showed up.
I get the feeling that Episodes didn't start at the beginning of their story. It's like they were going to fill us in on the significance of the canisters and what happened in between the games as we progressed through the future installments. I was reading the blog of one of the episodes devs a couple years ago. He talked about porting the original Sin to the Source engine and later on gave some hints on the Sin storyline. Unfortunately it was in riddle form and I couldn't make any sense out of it, but whatever Blade was injected with seemed to have a connection to the cannisters.
Maybe we can pry it out of him once Episodes is sufficiently old?
I think the major difference is made by which path you go through the game. Like if you can't stop those two mutants in the waterworks outflow canals you get to go back to the dam and enter that room you couldn't when doing the dam prior and have to stop the turbines and block the dam and stop the water supply that way.
P.S. I think the thing that allows her to transfer into those canisters(whatever it was...teleport, dna disassembly,etc) is the pendant around her neck...which glows a blue similar to that of the canisters. Also she wears it all the time meaning it must be important to her somehow. Maybe alien artifact?
Post edited November 27, 2010 by GameRager

Flying Squirrel!
Registered: Mar 2010
From Canada

Registered: Nov 2010
From Uruguay
Posted November 28, 2010
Midtown Madness.
How i loved that game. I remember, in the 2, withe the fastback mustang, in San Francisco i could do a lot of ridiculous stunts
How i loved that game. I remember, in the 2, withe the fastback mustang, in San Francisco i could do a lot of ridiculous stunts

Dosbox l337
Registered: Mar 2009
From Peru
Posted November 28, 2010

It would be nice if Ritual/ Mumbo Jumbo would release the source to the original Sin. With some tweaking it could be better than Half-Life. Unfortunately with the Zenimax purchase of id, I think the window for that sort of thing is closing fast.

Ono-Sendai Tech
Registered: Sep 2009
From South Africa
Posted November 28, 2010

For me it's:
1. Ultima Underworld.
2. System Shock (yeah, I like BioShock, but it's not System Shock).
3. Day of the Tentacle (Grim Fandango) like adventures. (Thanks TellTale Games for Monkey Island and Sam & Max!)
4. Age of Wonders.
I was going to add Deus Ex and Thief, but it seems they're already on their way. (I'm not sure about Thief though. Anyone know more about that?)
I haven't managed to get it working yet, but I have not tried all that hard. The screens look great though and it seems the engine would do it justice.
Post edited November 28, 2010 by Electronicescape