Posted December 02, 2014

Dearest to my heart - The Operative: No One Lives Forever on PC. My Dad gave it to me as a Christmas gift. He didn't know anything about PC games, or what types of games I liked, but he just had a good feeling that I would like it.
I got the NOLF demo back in 2001, on a demo cd that a friend lend me. I was 10 years old, and barely knew a few words in english so I didnt get the story, but I still kept coming back and back to the demo. I would usually play it from the beginning every time. I remember that for a demo it was pretty long, I think I never actually finished it, but i recall getting to the parachuting section.
Years later I got a copy of the full game, but sadly, i never finished it either (it's something i have to do someday!), the funny thing is that i remember I left the game somewhere around the parachuting part too.
I have a weird way of approaching to games I love, instead of trying to finish them, I usually restart them before the ending many times. I just don't want games I love too much to end I guess. Anyway, NOLF is by far my favorite FPS ever (I'm not really an FPS guy tho), and Cate Archer is the perfect example of a powerful female character done right. Everything about this game is flawless.
Post edited December 02, 2014 by Plastic_Hero