Posted December 02, 2014

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
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New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From United States
Posted December 02, 2014
Thief. Always Thief.
I hated the abysmal ragdol physics and clunky controls of the 3rd game (not to mention the rope arrow removal and load zones due to the inferior xbox specs)... but the game was still a great Thiefy game set in that wonderful atmosphere.
Thief 4 introduced new problems and sold out in various ways that I don't approve of, but in the end, the gameplay was wonderful.
As of now, I still am utterly in love with the franchise. My biggest concern, should they do another game, is the plot. The plot in Thief 4 ramped up to pretty much nothing, which was a ginormous letdown. But due to the fun gameplay and atmosphere, I still clocked over 100 hours in that game alone.
Runners up would be Morrowind, Oblivion, Deus Ex 1, NOLF.
I hated the abysmal ragdol physics and clunky controls of the 3rd game (not to mention the rope arrow removal and load zones due to the inferior xbox specs)... but the game was still a great Thiefy game set in that wonderful atmosphere.
Thief 4 introduced new problems and sold out in various ways that I don't approve of, but in the end, the gameplay was wonderful.
As of now, I still am utterly in love with the franchise. My biggest concern, should they do another game, is the plot. The plot in Thief 4 ramped up to pretty much nothing, which was a ginormous letdown. But due to the fun gameplay and atmosphere, I still clocked over 100 hours in that game alone.
Runners up would be Morrowind, Oblivion, Deus Ex 1, NOLF.

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted December 02, 2014

because its totally mallable and the modders have turned it in to a thing of beauty
vampire bloodlines
the last gasp of a company that was too short lived and a great modern rpg
the sims 2
again loaded with mods it is an amazing game
daytona usa
untill the psn version rolled along in 2011 there was no better way to play daytona usa then on the saturn
it migth be hideously ugly
squashed and slowed down but its still fucking awesome and in fact i will play it the moment i click on send on this message
fighters megamix
neither the latets nor the greatest but one of the best beat em ups any system ever has to offer for me
saints row 2
starddeling that fine line between awesome and silly being both ridicilous and disturbingly grim and gritty at times
at the time it was a breath of fresh air and ti did what gta forgot it was fun
gloriously stupid over the top fun
kotor 2
broken it may be
promsies broken
a third act that is broken
but its still an amazing game that is leaps and bounds over its predecessor for me if only it werent for that pis poor ending
zelda majora's mask
best zelda to me its all down hill for the series from here
Faces of Evil is the best Zelda game ever!

Easily Bored
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands
Posted December 02, 2014

because its totally mallable and the modders have turned it in to a thing of beauty
vampire bloodlines
the last gasp of a company that was too short lived and a great modern rpg
the sims 2
again loaded with mods it is an amazing game
daytona usa
untill the psn version rolled along in 2011 there was no better way to play daytona usa then on the saturn
it migth be hideously ugly
squashed and slowed down but its still fucking awesome and in fact i will play it the moment i click on send on this message
fighters megamix
neither the latets nor the greatest but one of the best beat em ups any system ever has to offer for me
saints row 2
starddeling that fine line between awesome and silly being both ridicilous and disturbingly grim and gritty at times
at the time it was a breath of fresh air and ti did what gta forgot it was fun
gloriously stupid over the top fun
kotor 2
broken it may be
promsies broken
a third act that is broken
but its still an amazing game that is leaps and bounds over its predecessor for me if only it werent for that pis poor ending
zelda majora's mask
best zelda to me its all down hill for the series from here

Faces of Evil is the best Zelda game ever!

Steam is Power!
Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted December 02, 2014
Golden Axe Sega Megadrive, Completed it once a year since I got it in 1990. I love every second of it.

Easily Bored
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands

GFN / VR / Switch!
Registered: Oct 2010
From Other
Posted December 02, 2014
Terraria. I can't wait for 1.3 patch, hopefully release is before or during Christmas.

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted December 02, 2014
Fallout 2... War never changes...

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States

Registered: Sep 2008
From South Africa

Aww Yeah!
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States