Ralackk: Was there any real difference other then control scheme?
cogadh: I believe the PC version was higher resolution, so its better looking.
In a bit more detail:
* The characters are 3D, and therefore can be rendered at a higher resolution than on the PSX (up to 640x480, vs. the original 320x200). Optional 3D hardware support means that you could also add tricks like AA and texture filtering.
* The pre-rendered backgrounds and videos are in 320x200, as was the original PSX version. Video codecs were not very mature when FF7 was released, so the compression is bad, and the videos look worse than the PSX version.
* The music was compressed audio in the PSX version, but was converted to MIDI for the PC version. This meant a couple of tracks actually had less instruments, or missing voices compared to the original. The PC CD included a MIDI->WAV synthesizer (Yamaha I think), but it was a bit buggy. Thankfully they went to CD Audio for FF8 PC.
Edit: Nostalgia alert! I just remembered spending hours tuning
and [url=http://www.hammersound.com/cgi-bin/soundlink.pl?action=view_category&category=Collections&ListStart=0&ListLength=15]GM patchsets so that I could crank out better sounding FF7 midis, and then
and [url=http://www.samplebanks.com/]Synergi once I got my
. MIDI can do some amazing things if you put your mind to it... and have a few spare days... but listening to FF7's "Tifa's Theme" and [url=http://www.queststudios.com/quest/kq6.html]KQVI's "Girl in the Tower" just about made me cry. Good times. There's an MP3 of Tifa's Theme