Personally, I'm a Final Fantasy whore. That being said, each game has its own strengths and weaknesses. And you know the saying, "You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." As a result, each game in the francise has its fanboys/fangirls, and its haters. I loved FFVII and FFVIII, but I can also see while some people hate them. And while I found FFXII good, it wasn't great (as someone said above, too much grinding in between story quests). And I couldn't get into FFI, FFII, and FFV, mainly due to the overempasis on combat. (I never played FFXI, but was mostly because I didn't want to pay to play every month).
FFVII didn't suck me in instantly, but that was because I had a slow Windows 98 computer back then. I got the PSX version, beat it, and loved it. Years later, on a faster Windows XP computer, (and armed with the Chocobo Patch), I beat it again, multiple times. And still later, I found all sorts of fan mods, which really opened up the game.
Fan mods are great, they make the PC version a little better than the PSX version. However, I will admit, it can't compete with the ability to play it on a PSP...that alone may make me rebuy the game. :)