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Pray do tell, what is this thing called STEAM.'s coming back now.... didn't they shaft me with Earth 2160?
Wishbone: (Rant about how I have no interest in Fallout 3, and wouldn't buy anything on Steam anyway).

MaverickRazor: I'll wait for the inevitable GOTY Edition, thanks.
tacitus59: Its coming in October (I think).

Thanks, not too long then.
Steam is bad... mkay.
I got Fallout 3 a few weeks back for £19.99 from HMV (the actual box in an actual shop, no less!)
I still paid too much.
So much I could rant about... but I feel it's all been said before. Basically, if you want to know how I feel go and read No Mutants Allowed.
Wishbone: (Rant about how I have no interest in Fallout 3, and wouldn't buy anything on Steam anyway).
TheJoe: <3

Put those testicles away, please ;-)
TheJoe: <3
Wishbone: Put those testicles away, please ;-)

TheJoe: <3
Wishbone: Put those testicles away, please ;-)

(Generic comment on how the previous posters are creeping me out)
Post edited July 02, 2009 by GameGuruNT
Wishbone: Put those testicles away, please ;-)
El_Caz: 8>

Mmmm, cherries!
Man, just $24.00 too high.
I'll wait a little past GOTY edition. At that point the mod community will have hopefully fixed Bethesda's quests, texture gaps and other misc issues ala Oblivion.
Weclock: still over priced.

Generic combo breaker comment
Generic comment about the puzzling nature of this thread's responses.
As others have stated, the Game of the Year Edition is coming in October. It is silly to buy it now, since the GotY edition will include all five DLC add-ons (which would cost much more than the GotY price difference if bought separately). I haven't really been following the reviews to know if the DLC is worth having, but more content is always a good thing, especially when it is heavily discounted as in the GotY release.
Arkose: As others have stated, the Game of the Year Edition is coming in October. It is silly to buy it now, since the GotY edition will include all five DLC add-ons (which would cost much more than the GotY price difference if bought separately). I haven't really been following the reviews to know if the DLC is worth having, but more content is always a good thing, especially when it is heavily discounted as in the GotY release.

The trouble with this is that the GOTY edition will be £40 or thereabouts, just for these add-ons which I have no want.
If people see something in them that they actually want to buy, then getting the GOTY is a good idea (I did with Morrowind for example), but I decided against waiting and I won't be downloading the extras either.