rusted420: america may not be perfect but believe me all other countries are just as bad or worse. maybe in different ways sometimes but bad is still bad. it is sad too see though. thankfully most places are not as bad as what that article describes.
I've never heard, Police going after people who feed homeless in another country. And this isn't just happening in Raleigh, NC. This is also happening in NY city. And soon, other cities will start doing this shit, I bet. Too many people in this country hate homeless people due to twisted Christian like upbringing, selfishness and a lack of real culture. If you are a civilized person, America is the #1 worst country to live in... Why am I here then? I don't have the money, skills and connections to move to a different country. I also suck at learning new languages.
djranis: Canada is the pinnacle of capitalism. hell the country even lacks patriotism. Stay where you are and try to bring change, there is no point running, fight it, those corrupted bastard wont live forever
I don't see how my ninja monkey skills can stop police, all over the USA from going after people who feed the homeless...