ET3D: DF deliberately didn't make any plans during the Kickstarter campaign. Tim Schafer wanted the entire development process to be part of the documentary, including coming up with an idea for the game and then developing it, including choosing the tools to use, choosing the art style, ...
You have quite obviously completely missed the point.
Game development roughly works this way (obviously very simplified, but highly relevant).
(1) You think up an idea, a concept for your game, and establish a timeframe and budget.
(2) You secure funding for this budget for delivery of the project within that timeframe, either through a publisher, Kickstarter, private investor, whatever
(1a) There is an alternate scenario where a developer might be commissioned by a publisher to produce a title and the publisher has specific constraints on budget, timeframe and content.
(2a) The developer then checks the specifications to see if it can be done and either accepts or refuses the contract.
(3) This budget and this timeframe are the alpha and omega of your development process. It is considered bad form and bad practice in the industry to exceed either (not least because more time = more money). If you end up exceeding either, you have to approach your sponsor (usually a publisher, but not in this case), who then makes a decision on whether to grant an extension, more money, put the project on hold or 'cease investment'.
(4) If a project overruns its deadline or budget, there are consequences if it is funded externally. Developers may be held legally accountable for violating their contract. They may lose part of their share of the income. They may even be taken to court of loss of profits.
The short of this is that you do not and cannot set a budget for a project that you have no fundamental concept of. It was remarked even then that there seemed to be very little in the way of content, but people were trusting enough of Tim Schäfer to produce a quality product. Many genuinely had no idea that he didn't even have a real design in mind.