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jamyskis: Sorry, I'll get my coat...
It was actually nice one :).

Hmm, I think that Kickstarter had very shoddy terms of use when Double Fine used their service for first time. My guess is that they might face an official settlement for Massive Chalice. It'd be interesting to see the outcome of such case.
Post edited July 03, 2013 by Mivas
Bloodygoodgames: This stuff is all over the internet. Are you really that naive? Or do you just enjoy being a cantakerous prick?
TheJoe: Hey so are all the GOGs in this store's catalogue. Why are you still buying them?
I'm sorry? What's the question? Your English doesn't make sense?
Pheace: I'll be upset if Massive Chalice doesn't turn out to get made/finished. There's no reason to believe that yet.
nijuu: Wonder what the chances are they will be tempted to funnel funds from this to Broken Age :P
I'd be fine with that actually, as long as they still deliver Massive Chalice. The Massive Chalice funds + Steam Early Access would probably get them to their goal rather quickly.
Holy shit, I just had a massive realization.
Kickstarters are usually based on either an established name (Wasteland, Tim Schafer etc) or a really cool premise (Rift, Ouya). People put money into it, expecting something really awesome. Should promises be delivered, this creates good PR & increases the likely-hood of bigger Kickstarters by the same people becoming successfully funded. However, should they cock-up, they are less likely to get successive Kickstarters funded and gain bad PR. This means that only the best Kickstarters that keep their promises survive & continue. Being transparent & presenting a true & fair view & delivering on your promises allows you to continue pitching Kickstarters.
I know I'm late to the party, but god damn my mind is going nuclear.
I think we all know how the whole "Broken Ass Adventure/Massive Phallus" is really going to go down:
Foxhack: I am so glad I didn't back this up. This is bullshit.
I didn't either, but I preordered Broken Age via hib. I guess my chances of a refund are slightly higher.

Thanks for posting this, OP.
I backed this.. I will however not be supporting another DoubleFine kickstarter after having seen how careless they've been with my, and everyone elses, money. The mismanagement is quite heartbreaking. I would have thought that people who has been working in the industry for 10-20 years would have learned how to set up a budget and stick to it.

To have blown ALL the money before the game is even half way to completion kills all the trust i had in DoubleFine to be able to deliver a product without a publisher holding their hand. Apparently the money of thousands of their fans isn't enough to make sure they deliver on their promises.
jamyskis: So if Tim cocks up in a similar fashion with Massive Chalice and neither of the games see the light of day, and if backers end up taking the company to court, does that mean they'll be Double Fined?

Sorry, I'll get my coat...
And then another Kickstarter: "Fund our legal fees so we have the money to finish the Kickstarter-promised games that we don't have the money to finish."
Bloodygoodgames: I'm sorry? What's the question? Your English doesn't make sense?
The question:
TheJoe: Why are you still buying them?
in reference to:
TheJoe: all the GOGs [games] in this store's catalogue.
As for you that last sentence doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Bloodygoodgames: Your English doesn't make sense?
Are you trying to get him to clarify something you didn't hear clearly?

Sorry, couldn't resist an opportunity to point out the proverbial pot in this scenario.
Things going overbudget and development cycles running a lot longer then expected are honestly par for the course in the industry. This is just the first time people actually get to see it play out as it happens.

I'm not worried that this is going to kill the game, nor am I worried about Massive Chalice, which is another team (and headed up by Brad Muir, who seems more of a numbers guy then Schafer and probably'll be able to keep it in check a bit more). I am concerned the game will wind up rushed, though, and I think this is a pretty big hit for crowdfunding morale, which does suck.
TheJoe: Hey so are all the GOGs in this store's catalogue. Why are you still buying them?
Because they can be bought, and the price is right.
Post edited July 03, 2013 by cah
Sad sad news. I didn't back it but it would be a day one purchase for me.

The fuck is massive. If the aimed for July 2013 release and now are pushing it to 2015 it seems to me that they wasted past year on doing nothing. few months. half a year delay.... I would understand that. Stuff happens, need to redo parts of game which don't work, found too many bugs in other parts...
not one year and half.

This is what pisses me off. not that game might not appear, not that they run out of money, not that it is a bad sign for other kickstarters...
That they did NOTHING worthy with 2.5 million dollars in over a year. that's pathetic and simply disrespectful to every other developer out there.
it's like 3d realms... which had massive source of income in form of Duke games, massive savings and big money from publishers.
I always hated them for that, for wasting it all on nothing and I hate DP for the same thing.

I hope people from Broken Sword are not such idiots. That game I backed and I care much more about BS than whatever DP could have made.
lukaszthegreat: This is what pisses me off. not that game might not appear, not that they run out of money, not that it is a bad sign for other kickstarters...
That they did NOTHING worthy with 2.5 million dollars in over a year. that's pathetic and simply disrespectful to every other developer out there.
it's like 3d realms... which had massive source of income in form of Duke games, massive savings and big money from publishers.
I always hated them for that, for wasting it all on nothing and I hate DP for the same thing.

I hope people from Broken Sword are not such idiots. That game I backed and I care much more about BS than whatever DP could have made.
Yeah, it's really like all those big developers, huge names, living legends etc etc. mean really NOTHING without their publishers. They don't know how to manage money, how to make business, how to meet deadlines.

Like children in the fog. (polish saying)

And yeah, to use 2.5mil and produce nothing is really, really pathetic.

What is notable from my perspective, on the contrary - most of the board games projects that were successfully funded, were finished and delivered without any major delays and problems. I know a board game is not a video game, but it requires tons of work and also has to be produced. Many things can go wrong, but somehow, they manage to not fuck up every god damn time.

Let's hope at least Wasteland 2 isn't going to turn out badly.
Post edited July 03, 2013 by keeveek
I wonder how what they would make with 400k (initial goal) considering that they have 8 times more money (or even more because they said that they did put additional funds into this). 2h long game?

It's funny when you think that Al Lowe was accused for asking for too much money and people were comparing him to Double Fine, because he asked for 500k to make a remake of Larry and Double Fine asked for 400k to make a brand new game. He even answered those accusations on his Kickstarter. This game had unrealistic budget from the beginning.

But what I find really wrong about this is that they started new Kickstarter few weeks ago and just when it finished, they announced that they have problem with budget of their first project. They should announce it before people gave them money again. Not nice, Double Fine, not nice at all.
Post edited July 03, 2013 by Aver