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I was playing Dragon Age earlier this evening, when I noticed a small, red pixel show up on the screen that would not go away. What do I do? Will it spread, or is it nothing to worry about? I'm freaking out!
This question / problem has been solved by Ralackkimage
I've got one or two dead pixels (not stuck ones, dead) on my monitor and I'm fine with it, Dell seems to be dicks about replacing it so I don't really care. Same for my PSP.
I need to take care of that huge line in my seems like I tried the flashing, rubbing and serenading before and it didn't work, I'll have to do it again.
TheCheese33: Thanks! I was worried. I've done a thorough look-over of the thing, and it looks like only, teeny-tiny pixel continues to show red. Everything else is fine. Thanks again!
Ralackk: No problem. Where abouts did the pixel die anyway? way off to the side so you barely notice it or right in the middle?

Kind of to the left of the action. It's only really noticeable if you find it and stare at it for a long time.
Aliasalpha: My old monitor had a pixel that wasn't dead but wasn't at all well. Often times rubbing around the affected area alleviated the problem. Weird to have to give a piece of computer equipment a massage but it worked...

I had that on my old laptop, except it wasn't just a pixel. There were entire lines across the width of the screen from the top that were just some random colors and weren't affected by the screen update.
However, if I rubbed the screen it would go away and just display the normal image temporarily. It would go back to broken as soon as I stopped rubbing and pushing on the display, though.
Then I discovered that if I flexed the screen just right, it would disappear for some time (only to suddenly come back). So I started flexing the screen by bending it a little in the edges to make the defect go away on a temporary basis.
Then, one night, approximately 6 weeks before I had to deliver my Master's Thesis, I flexed it a little too hard.
Aliasalpha: My old monitor had a pixel that wasn't dead but wasn't at all well. Often times rubbing around the affected area alleviated the problem. Weird to have to give a piece of computer equipment a massage but it worked...
stonebro: Then, one night, approximately 6 weeks before I had to deliver my Master's Thesis, I flexed it a little too hard.

stonebro: Then I discovered that if I flexed the screen just right, it would disappear for some time (only to suddenly come back). So I started flexing the screen by bending it a little in the edges to make the defect go away on a temporary basis.
Then, one night, approximately 6 weeks before I had to deliver my Master's Thesis, I flexed it a little too hard.

Yeah, mine was just near the right hand side of the screen so I took to giving it a thump (I'm trained in percussive maintenance). When I managed to get the sweet spot the problem didn't come back for weeks. Its only just now occured to me that the area that has a slowly expanding over bright blob is pretty much right where I used to whack it. Lucky I don't use it anymore...