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Hi guys,
Just found this steaming pile of crap.
I do have an permanent connection but this is retarded. "Things in common with an MMO"?.. What the hell? It's an RTS. "Tracks progress"?... So? Give the user the option of having their progress tracked. Or perhaps let them update their progress online when they wish to.
This takes online DRM to a whole new retarded level. Yay for EA. How many times will you shit on your customers before you learn? No customers, no sales, no EA.... Could be a plan.
Yup, its lame alright. As I said when I first heard it, there goes the chances of them getting my money. My net connection drops out occasionally and this sounds like a system where you might lose 2 hours of progress from a 5 second connection issue. Especially stupid given the increasing number of laptops, won't make this too playable when you're away from the internet
HOPEFULLY they won't be stupid enough to make the system that bad but I'll pass on it all the same. Might buy it when its on budget and when someone makes a crack so I can play the single player game offline
Yep, this is the new trend since typical DRM gets them bad publicity. Always on Internet requirements, are just as bad (if not worse) and if they think there will be no retaliation, they are mad.
Internet access is far from cheap and universal, and a promise of a no-net patch over the years is only a promise, not a guarantee. Stats and tracking are interesting, but should not cause such a requirement.
A Pass from me, because of this. And admittedly, because I never tried C&C3 as well.
I was done with them after that abomination C&C Generals.
Don't buy it as they say money speaks louder then words.
This will be 'spore' all over again... and I bet the internet requirement for single player will be deactivated after a few months of the game's release. :|
dreadcog: I was done with them after that abomination C&C Generals.

That was an anomaly (though quite accurately described as an abomination), C&C3 looks like its reasonably good and true to the original. Generals was an insult, red alert has become a farce but it looks like the core series still has something to offer
I myself don't have problems with it, but I understand that it is very sinister move against those who don't have internet connection (Don't hawe intarwebz? GTFO fag, you won't play).
However is sad that they are so naive (or rEAtarded) that they think it will help them against piracy or something else.
Their "limited activations" crap in RA3 didn't help and MMOs are being cracked anyways (I refer to MMOs due to "Things in common with an MMO").
After the RA3 crap I will think whether I will buy CnC4 or no.
EDIT: btw Aliasalpha, congrats to 300 rep
Post edited July 16, 2009 by klaymen
Welcome to the most pirated game of 2010 (TBA)
Catshade is right, after EA realise the super negative impact this kind of DRM will make, the change after a few months is very likely. I love the 'MMO' spin on this, hell why not use that kind of term for every DRM system XD
I'm surprised after the way in which the Sims 3 was handled; basically giving a player more stuff for a legit copy, but at a base level, the game wasn't actually crippled at all.
Also congrats Aliasalpha for the 300 Spartan rep. \o/ hooray!
No EA? Did I read that right.......oh if we stop being customers no EA....drats....
But yes its a retarded way of DRM. But then again EA is famous for that kind of things. Not to mention other rip-offs they have.
A well luckily I own almost no EA games.
Another game I won't be lining up to buy then :=)
Wonder how long it will take some hackers to find a workaround for it ( either disabled or like a fake stats server or something you can just have on your localhost )
brb gotta poop.
Damm you EA I was starting to look forward to this as it finishes off the tiberium story. Thought the C & C 3 endings where rubbish and was hoping for some closure.Oh well looks like ill never experience the end of the series unless EA change their ways.
+1 from me to not buying this crap. I DON'T want my progress to be tracked all the time. Also, they say they won't apply any DRM, because you have to be on-line the whole time... yea right. Do we look THIS stupid?!
And you know what's sad? We're the intelligent minority. Most players WILL be either stupid or ignorant enough to not care for this and buy the game, so our few non-buys won't damage their sales that much.
Post edited July 16, 2009 by DrIstvaan
yes but there won't be any annoying activations which is the core of the drm problem these days
I'll jump into the fray.
There should be an option that lets you to play this game offline. What If I only wish to play the campaign and don't want to play multiplayer? For example, I don't often play the games online, because I don't really like multiplayer.
What if somebody doesn't have an internet connection and wants to play the game? In some Hungarian forums, some users are so ignorant as to suppose that anybody who doesn't have an internet connection, is worth less, so basically supporting EA's theory . Yay for some extra sold copies of C&C4.