Weclock: I was just wondering if I was one of the only people here who had the pleasure of playing this awesome free game.
http://www.cavestory.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cave_Story It's a free PC game and it's pretty cool, it's also been ported to PSP as homebrew. I really enjoyed it on my PSP.. I have difficulty with platformers on PC though..
Anyway, it's a FANTASTIC game, seriously, it was made by one person, and one person only, but if he'd had any experience before this, he would have charged for this game.
Then again, it might not have gotten around so easily if he did.. hahaha.
Anyway, if you have never heard of cave story, or have before but never checked it out, do so, and hit +1 plz.
You naughty rep whore you...
The game is fantastic! Thanks for sharing! I'm playing it on my PSP now.