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Howdy folks, I'll keep this short and sweet. One copy for Theme Hospital (GOG) up for grabs.

To enter:

- Make up a disease name and briefly describe it (not limited to physical ailments - be creative :) )
example: hyper-backlogitosis - suffering from excessive game backlog

Entry requirement:
- 25 rep OR joined July 2013 or earlier

You may enter on behalf of others, but I ask the winner (code recipient) redeems the game on their account.

Open for 2-3 days. Winner selected by the omnipotent Random.Org. Cheers!
Post edited September 17, 2013 by mondo84
Freshitinitis - A mental ailment where you start to feel like you are actively spinning around while sitting in a chair and start to spout delusional nonsense about your life and times in Bel-Air.

Oh, and thanks for the giveaway.
Post edited September 14, 2013 by SpooferJahk
Stochastisis - An infliction that compels gift-givers to determine winners via random chance rather than merit.
Supercalafragelisticexpialadosis - The ailment where one believes that they are practically perfect in every way, symptoms include (but not limited to) wearing a black long brim hat, requiring sugar to take any medication, singing on cue, and hallucinating animated characters at the most inappropriate of times. Pseudonym for this disorder is called Batshitcrazyitis, not to be confused with Nolantosis, the disorder that makes you talk like you've had a tracheotomy. :P

A compulsive need for outward generosity. Symptoms include frequent spending, identity changes, compulsive binging and purging of possessions, and a high focal point of attention.

(In case you don't get it: Ian on GOG, once called Ian66, has many many giveaways, lots of reputation, and when he shows up in the ninja thread he usually gives away from 5-10 games from steam)
Persistent GOG Sale Arousal Syndrome
Causes the sufferer to impulsively spend money on more games than he possibly has time to play in response to sale stimuli.
Youtuberculosis is a common, and in many cases lethal, more often than not infectious disease caused by severe addiction to Youtube videos.

Obvious one that I suffer will be that Salary Deficiency Syndrome, which needs no further explanation.

I'm not in, by the way, but +1 for the giveaway.
gogfluenza: a deadly disease that can only be treated by playing dos era games.
GOG sale apnea - a typical precursor condition that leads, but isn't limited to, already mention diseases like: Ian-Itus, Persistent GOG Sale Arousal Syndrome and gogfluenza. In rare, terminal cases leads to hyper-backlogitosis. +1
Influenza GOG virus subtype H[ave]E[ntries]N[ever]W[in] aka Loser flu.

Highly pathogenic strain subtype of the influenza GOG virus. Symptoms include uneasiness and worry from not entering giveaways, envy at others' giveaway wins, cursing at the RNG gods, serial down-repping of winners etc.

Weekly outbreaks occur when GOG users Ian, xyem or Homer post.

An influx of cases are recorded whenever GOG releases free games. See: Torchlight pandemic of '13

There is no cure or vaccine. Current treatment methods that include playing GOGs may lead to a near-normal life expectancy.
Grim Fandango Feaver - Suffering that gog won't release Grim Fandango.
Hjilerilgnerigligekla-itis : the inability to come up with good names for fake illnesses. And thanks for the giveaway!
Post edited September 14, 2013 by GOGwiiisfun
I LOVE this kind of challenge giveaways! I also f******* LOVE LOVE LOVE Theme Hospital! So here's my entry!:

Shatner Virus. Or more commonly known as Shatner Flu.

An airborne virus believed to be originated from a man with WS initial, this virus will infect human voice chord and several parts of the brain that made the infected sing their words like Captain James Tiberius Kirk from TV hit series Star Trek.

The incubating time is predicted around 2-3 days as the infected slowly change their speech pattern. If this flu goes untreated, the later stage will make the infected having an uncontrollable urge to go participating in singing auditions or trying to paint their significant other's skin green.

Treatment: The infected need to watch either the new Star Trek movies or 1(one) season of Star Trek TNG until its completion. A single viewing can be considered enough for most people. Second and third viewings can be considered when the patient is already at the acute stage.

Extra note: If the patient hate Star Trek (mostly found in several extreme militant Star Wars nerds) the "Clockwork" procedure may applied. The cost of eye drops will be added in the bill later.

Dr ███████ addendum: Please take note that patient zero of this virus can't be cured no matter what. The result of us trying to cure him was ended with him getting annoyed and leave after watching the new Star Trek movie 3 times in a row. Even though he stated that "The new Uhura is pretty hot. I wonder why they hook her up with Spock now." Since he attend a lot of public meetings we feared that the virus will spread even further. Further action under consideration.
Cause - Playing PC games for too long.
Symptoms - The patient feels like his eyeballs are about to melt down and every blink is an agony.
Cure - 8+ hours of sleep and a walk in the park should do the trick.

Also, here's a little review from certain someone who REALLY likes this game and would LOVE to own a copy of it.
Post edited September 14, 2013 by BranjoHello
Obummeriasis - When you really get disappointed by a promising politician