kais246: 1. Sure we like to think that talking about stuff and reasoning with the child would be the best thing. It might be. But again the child is a child, they dont get a say in anything. It really is that simple, children dont get a say and must do what there parents say.
Ummm... Dude ? You got those numbers mixed up a bit. It's "XXI century" not "XIX century" ;).
Also - Hume's guillotine - you can NEVER infer normative statements out of descriptive ones.
kais246: 2. Are you implying that a 360 or pc are needed or it is normal to need these things?
While I'm not saying they're NATURAL in the strict sense, they may very well be "normal".
If you think otherwise, you're obviously hypocritical.
kais246: Please, if someone needs these things to get thru there day to day life they need to check themselfs
OK, dude. Go ahead - tell me what a normal, SANE person DOES need to get through a normal day in their life. An alarm clock and a shovel ? Eggs and bacon ?
There is a difference between "can't lie without" in the strict sense, in which you can't live without oxygen and the loose sense in which you "can't live without" a person you love, football, a PC or coffee.
Also - I find it alarming that you suggest that anything beyond bare necessities can't be an integral part of a life.
kais246: (Of course im excluding work or schooling things like that. (...)
OF COURSE you are excluding such things. After all - HARD WORK is the only natural and just human need/activity, right ? Karl Marx would be proud of you.
kais246: If he is "dragged" away from his computer he gets erritable, obusive and generally un-friendly.
People generally don't like to be interrupted, especially when they are enjoying life.
To give a VERY rough example: if you were interrupted in the middle of having sex, wouldn't you be... irritable and unfriendly ? Well - why the hell men - are you an ADDICT or something ?
Another hidden premise: "IF interrupting you during X makes you agitated, X is an addiction" - bs.
kais246: This is not my parents faults and dont even suggest that they start playing pc games with him or something like that.
I suggest people let other people live their lives as they please, as long as no one gets each other in the way. That is - let him play the damn games.
kais246: 3. Are you saying that to be a productive part of society means you cant be "righteous, intelligent or happy"?
I'm saying that "being a productive part of society" is a VERY collectivist notion. I prefer to think of myself as an individual, not necessarily a PART of some bigger whole. I'm not a Confucianist.
I'm not a cog in a great machine.
kais246: Again, if you need a computer or console to be happy then a self check is requred.
OK, wiseguy - if you want to get down to the dirty ad personam - what do YOU need in your life and why is it any better than what other people need ?
You consider yourself a beacon of normality, the perfectly average ? Newsflash, dude: being average is not something *I* would brag about.
And while I'm sure a lot of psychologists might consider "average" people as the holy grail of sanity, I doubt they would consider having fun a mental illness.
You need to face the pluralist reality in which different people like different things and that does NOT make them freaks.
BTW - yeah, maybe I'm rude saying all of the above, but you don't simply walk into a church and say "You're all a bunch of freaks ! You need help !"... and you ARE on a gaming forum after all. Even more so - on a forum where people rediscover games from their youth.
In other words - you're SO asking for it...
kais246: Of course getting happines and fun out of gaming is fine, i game, you game, i dare say every member of this forum games. Moderation is required though.
Not any more than in any other activity, dude.
kais246: I dont want people the likes of the kid in that video i posted breathing our air and eating our food/drinking our water just so he can continue being a little shit.
I give YOU a right to live... then again - I'm quite a charitable guy ;)...
kais246: 4. No, me neither. When they get to the stage of refusing to do anything else but play WoW or some other game the chances are there have been light to severe problems building up since then. Slowly ruining releationships ect.
At a certain point it might become worrying, yes. Then again - such a point is rarely (if at all) reached. And while I personally don't like people who skip their lectures, it's in their right... and I'm certainly NOT mad because of what they do instead. I'm mad at the fact that they skip them... Get it ?
This shows another important issue - it's FUTILE to force someone to "do X less". You should encourage the person to "do Y more".
Then again - I strongly suggest you don't think of life in terms of the one and only right way to live it. While some people may find sex or coffee necessary, it doesn't mean that others have to too.
kais246: Ok, sorry about any mistakes or flaws in my points. Its late here in the land of Australia and im so very over heated and sleepy.
Get some sleep, think this through. I think I know what you're trying to express, but your points are either VERY controversial or outright wrong.
kais246: Also a game forum might not be the best place for computer addiction disscusins = P
It's as tactful as s***ing on someone's doormat, yes...
Why sure, dude. Just found out about GOG yesterday. How can you tell ?
anjohl: I don't engage in shit-slinging contests on the internet. Perhaps try someone else?
While I have... a certain way of expressing my thoughts (that some may find annoying), I always hope to get the point across. Seeing how you quoted me - I don't always succeed.
Read it again - you'll find out that I DO have a point. And if I'm really wrong - I'll gladly hear why.
Too bad you can't be bothered, though.