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That the publisher sets the prices is what I suspected iWi. Nice to have an official statement on the matter. I definitely agree that having a game at $10 is much better than not at all.
I do wonder if a 5.99 game that sells many makes more than a $9.99 game that sells some though. Very hard to call though as demand varies by the popularity of the game I suppose (though I have bought fallout for 5.99 and will probably buy fallout 2 for 5.99 just because of reputation and because they are cheap... I never got either first time around).
Faithful: I can not say for sure, but some of the new games that have come along make me wonder if the publisher demands the $10.00 price point or gog will not get the game.
I look at some of them Jagged Alliance Series for example and think there is no way it is worth $10.00 each. Looking at the images and the release year, 1994, 1995. Same with Disciples: Sacred Land Gold 2001, and now the original UT Gold 2000, they appear on the high side.
I do not think it is gog, but I think it may be the publisher that is wanting the most cash they can get from their previously dead game.
EDIT: Spelling
iWi: Few words from We strongly believe in value for money and YES - $5.99 is the perfect price point for older games. Still, the final word is on the publisher's side. We always think, that having some games for $9.99 is better than not having them at all. We will do our best to have more titles for $5.99, we are fighting hard for it.

Thanks for the reply.
iWi, this is what I thought was happening, as it seemed to make the most sense in my mind.
I honestly do believe that gog is fighting hard for it users and I think it is publishers that see an ongoing cash cow, to sell their games that were for all intents dead; now able to once again make them money.
I think gog is doing a great job and thus I have been faithful in supporting its business model and will continue to do so.
I just hope publishers get the idea that older gamers are a rather smart bunch and allow the gog team more freedom in how their games are sold.
EDIT: Wording/Clarification
Post edited November 20, 2008 by Faithful
The concept of having DRM-free games - even the old ones - was unheard of, so when we were approaching publishers at the very beginning it was hard to convince them. Fortunately is up and running and the model actually works with more and more content owners (both publishers and developers) is jumping on board. I am sure, that once we build more 'history' with the model an our performance, we will convince even the stubborn ones ;)
We are also working on making the's offer even more attractive, but I can not reveal more right now :)
Post edited November 20, 2008 by iWi
iWi: We are also working on making the's offer even more attractive, but I can not reveal more right now :)

Ahh, a tease. I am looking forward to whatever this means as I can only see it as a very good thing.
Thanks iWi
maybe new games can start at 10$ and than two months later go down to 6$ ?
The way I see it some games are worth $10 regardless of how old they are, if GoG had a chance to get a game like System Shock 2 I would even consider dropping 20 on it, same with Blood I (hint hint :D).
Post edited November 21, 2008 by Whiteblade999
Whiteblade999: The way I see it some games are worth $10 regardless of how old they are, if GoG had a chance to get a game like System Shock 2 I would even consider dropping 20 on it, same with Blood I (hint hint :D).

moar like $50.
some of these games are pure gems, and being offered the way they are with assurance that it'll run on your computer, and support for it, is fantastic. Low price points help extremely as well.
I mean, their argument is flawless, if you really go out of your way for your customers and don't include DRM (which is a customer deterrant), people won't pirate your games, because the value is in actually purchasing the game.
I've bought several $5.99 games and one $9.99 game. The $9.99 game was Sacred Gold, and I think to me it was a wise purchase.
I do think more about the higher price than I do about the 6 dollar games, because for $10 you can get a brand new game on the clearance rack at Target. Whether it's any good or not is questionable, but these deals do exist.
Thanks for the clarification from GOG, it helps and we appreciate the fact that you guys are working towards making games more of a deal and less of a "should I buy it?" I already knew Epic are money hungry because of how they want to limit Gamestop from selling used copies of their games; seeing an official statement which verifies is makes me question if I will buy any of their games, though I want to point out I will continue to support GOG.
I may get UT 2004, I had that game before and really enjoyed it, but again when you guys are trying to do what's in our best interest and some of the publishers you're working with don't, it makes me really consider whether I want to buy their games, regardless of the outlet.
I am really impressed with how you're expanding your catalogue, and I look forward to the coming years with your site on my favorites list permanently. I will consider the $10 games, but like many others the $6 ones will more likely get bought by me.
I looked at it from the point of view that the newer games tended to be $10. The thought didn't overly bother me because these newer games had larger budgets (so deserve a higher price to justify that budget) and may still be available elsewhere, so the price can't be so low it undercuts those sales (most pubs have deals with retailers and generally wouldn't risk alienating one by giving another a huge advantage).
So, my final thought is I'll think of the $10 games as the "cheap dinner" and the $6 ones as "lunch" I'm giving up. It's still a steal to me.
Well, I was thinking if a solution can be found in terms of selling games in packages.
I had a little price comparison between Steam and GOG for the Unreal games (which I posted here: [url=[/u[/url]]), and found the offer from Steam much more attractive (despite their inclusion of DRM)...
So, maybe selling games in a package at a cheaper price overall might appeal more to us people who are a tad more price conscious.
Personally i'm not interested in the packages on steam (though they are indeed awesome value).
Maybe its like i said before, we all have a maximum "impulse buy" threshold, and after that i start thinking about it too much.
I'm much more likely to pick up 3 or 4 games at $5.99 than to spend $24 on a 4 game pack, because i won't analyze the purchase so much, and i won't consider if i'll actually play every game in the package, and I can pace it better to suit my lifestyle.
Games as candy, rather than games as property. ;-)
Weclock: I mean, their argument is flawless, if you really go out of your way for your customers and don't include DRM (which is a customer deterrent), people won't pirate your games, because the value is in actually purchasing the game.

not to go off topic, but the World of Goo guys might disagree with you ;-) :-(
Post edited November 22, 2008 by soulgrindr
soulgrindr: not to go off topic, but the World of Goo guys might disagree with you ;-) :-(

I don't know about what World Of Goo offers, but, perhaps maybe I left out one important key note of the GOG business model, these are games people know are good.
You don't really have to worry about piracy with gog, because these games were probably already pirated a long time ago.
Worrying about something that's already happened is pretty pointless.
As it is, I'm grateful for the chance to legitimately purchase awesome games that I missed the first time around because I wasn't into PC gaming until around 2005. It's also nice to find decent retail class games that will run on this old laptop of mine. :)
Syrra: You don't really have to worry about piracy with gog, because these games were probably already pirated a long time ago.
Worrying about something that's already happened is pretty pointless.
As it is, I'm grateful for the chance to legitimately purchase awesome games that I missed the first time around because I wasn't into PC gaming until around 2005. It's also nice to find decent retail class games that will run on this old laptop of mine. :)

Damn, 2005? You have quite a lot to make up :P
Syrra: You don't really have to worry about piracy with gog, because these games were probably already pirated a long time ago.
Worrying about something that's already happened is pretty pointless.
As it is, I'm grateful for the chance to legitimately purchase awesome games that I missed the first time around because I wasn't into PC gaming until around 2005. It's also nice to find decent retail class games that will run on this old laptop of mine. :)
sMull: Damn, 2005? You have quite a lot to make up :P

XD. I'm in pretty much the same boat as this guy. I'd played a few pc games before, but was mostly a console man.
I have to agree that $6 games (£4) are pretty much in impulse buy territory, but $11 (about £8) are more considerable. They're stuff I'd be more hesitant to buy, maybe look at other games I never finished instead... it's more a psychological thing than something which makes solid financial sense really.