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I don't like football, hamburgers, hot dogs;
but I do love homemade Apple pie.

I own a Ford, not a Chevy...
(Those over 40 will get this joke)
Post edited November 25, 2018 by Sam2014
Hesusio: I hate sports, I don't drink, I don't care for the outdoors all that much and I'm not irrationally terrified of Indonesians.
Before anyone asks, Braggadar is not an alt of Hesusio.
Kind of cannot stand the local music scene at all :P
I feel like I'm the only person who never desired nor had kids, driven a car or flown in an aeroplane because of the environmental impacts of those actions. Took those decisions not to have kids, not to fly, not to get a driver's license a quarter of a century ago and felt like I'm an outsider unfortunately all that time.
Being straight edge, among other things, I don't drink tea/coffee.
Really causes confusion whenever I go somewhere (visit someone's house, go to an office to meet someone, etc). They think I'm just being formal when they offer tea and I decline, and they keep insisting, expecting me to finally cave. I finally offer them an alternative and ask for water or green tea.

At work, when everyone would be socialising with a tea/coffee/cigarette break, my solution was to fill my mug with hot water and sip it with everyone else :D.
Work and live on a farm, but can't stand country music.
Keep using electronic products until they fail, rather than throw them out when they are out of fashion.

Don't own a smartphone.
I'd say I'm the only Thai who speaks Interlingua (a constructed language).
Don't like to drink.
Some funny reading, nice thread but too much hate for football. :(

I'm so different from most things in my surroundings there's just no point in listing. For starters, I'm not Serbian at all. xD
Because I literally hate beer it tastes acidic and ass

Plus I hate most sports (Yeah you guys that get a hard on watching sweaty middle aged balding guys in tight shorts running after balls makes me fucking sick! It's so fucking LAME)

also my alter ego:
Post edited November 25, 2018 by fr33kSh0w2012
Vainamoinen: I am a God.
toxicTom: Who isn't? That's really not something special :-P
Be quiet, my children!
I have no tolerance to drunk driving

I don't like inviting a lot of guests to my home

I don't complain
I don't care for alcohol, coffee, hockey or the sauna.
plagren: I don't care for alcohol, coffee, hockey or the sauna.
Okay this got me.
I gave up everything, drugs drinking smoking and all of it lead to my terminal addiction of coffee.

There is no way I could avoid all other vices without it.

I stand before you a humble man, as much in awe as I am perplexed.
tinyE: Okay this got me.
I gave up everything, drugs drinking smoking and all of it lead to my terminal addiction of coffee.

There is no way I could avoid all other vices without it.

I stand before you a humble man, as much in awe as I am perplexed.
I do drink a big bottle of cola every day, if that makes you feel better.