For some reason, some of my post are not showing up anymore, weird issue but in general the GoG forum is messy for a long time aready; even the website is kinda broken and it has not been fixed for years.
Other stuff: Auto-HDR: In general, i prefer to be stick to the original condition of a game, On top of that, such matters should be able to be handled by the driver and the GPU. So, i find it weird having a OS trying to handle a matter usually done by the GPU driver and a compatible monitor. Games with initial HDR support will not benefit at all, because they already got HDR. It is simply a forced HDR for games incapable of... this is nothing i was asking for. In general, all of my games looks awesome on my 3090 TI using native drivers.... so i feel no urge using a OS able to "improve" it.
Direct Storage: This feature should be released on Win 10 as well, so it may not be exclusive to Win 11. On top of that, the game NATIVELY need to support Direct Storagè, so you can not use it on a old game never been coded for using it. In addition, if your CPU is a good 16 Core, i got one of those CPUs, it will decompress (which is the main reason for slower loading times on high end hardware) the games so quick that a Direct Storage will barely give me any benefit. Even on a good 8 Core, for example 7800X 3D, it may not change the loading time by a margin you may really feel, because this CPU is able to make decompression quick.
So, Direct Storage is mainly benefiting weaker systems with weak CPUs and/or drives, but the high end systems may not really get much benefit. Again: It will ONLY affect the games that actually are supporting it and so far there is no game because the development just is starting right now! Again: It will be supported on Win 10 too because you will have to code the game to be compatible with and if you are using Win 10 and the game is tuned for Direct Storage, it may even fail to work... so MS is adding the support to Win 10 as well. Not because of a very friendly attitude, rather because they do not want the Win 10 systems to fail with this new feature.
Actually, MS may not even care if a Win 10 system is suddenly failing (as soon as they "invent" a new OS, the old one will be trashed... according to their usual mentality), however... the Devs nowadays still want to support Win 10 (to many users are still using it) and if it may fail... the Devs may not feel the urge adding this feature. So... in order to get sufficient support... there is no other way for MS.
So... finally no "big features for me" and nothing i was really asking for... i rather would enjoy a awesome interface.
Ultimately, nothing to worry at all. Win 10 or Win 11... all the gamers may be able to play the game in the best way possible according the way it has been intended by the creators!
Besides, the PS5 indeed has been optimized for fast loading times, but this is not only software-based; The PS5 is using a specialized Kraken-Decompressor which is able to handle the decompression in the fastest way possible without putting huge load on the CPU. Although, PCs are lacking this sort of intelligent hardware because simply so far it has been unable to be made a standard. So, the PCs will either have to use powerful CPUs, able to take over the work of such a specialized decompressor, or the GPU will have to be attached to this task, which is the way Direct Storage will be tuned for. Still... the software will have to be coded for, the OS can not handle it all allone.
In general, every single game is nowadays using compression because it will allow for way bigger textures impossible to be made without compression. The only issue: It will need a lot of processing power, if you want your system to load quick.
Post edited July 07, 2023 by Xeshra