Breja: I think it probably is partially that. And with MOBAs I wouldn't call it "fear of stagnating RTS genre", I'd outright say that MOBAs killed the genre dead. Other than Starcraft 2, which rode the wave of nostalgia nad Blizzard's brand recognition, was there a single other major RTS release in the last decade?
But with those early 3D games I think it's also simply the matter of expactations. In 1996 the hype was promising me something that looked awesome, while I thought it looks clearly worse than the 2D games. But going back to a game from 20 years ago today I know it will look like crap, I'm prepared to look for fun gameplay despite it.
And I won't lie - it probably helps that I get those oldies for peanuts these days (or outright for free like Unreal), when back in the 90s they would cost an arm and a leg.
So from 2008 onwards? Not as many as I would've liked but there have been a few:
- Red Alert 3
- Dawn of War 2 (though that's perhaps more RTT than RTS, but an excellent game regardless)
- Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
- Cossacks 3
- Spellforce 3
and a few more that aren't 'major' like 8bit armies, but unfortunately those games are way, way too fast paced for me. And it's debatable, but perhaps the anno games as well.
So wind knocked out of it for sure, but I wouldn't say its dead yet from the perspective of big developers. Personally I'm quite excited for the remastered Warcraft 3, apart from the weird cringey cutscenes and new voiceovers.