GameRager: The possessed boy thing matches the first original game, though, so maybe it'll follow it/be good. I hope so, anyhow. :|
still it'd be nice if they had the rights(or someone did) and they came out...even as remastered versions(with originals added as a bonus).
Orpheus-GOG: 1) Game? Yeah (kinda, since Volume 1 was almost a prequel to the 1st movie and this one? Doesn't seem to be as close to it). I was talking purely about the movies though.
2) Ofc it'd be nice. But if they're releasing a new game with a somewhat similar story to the 1st game...I'm having some serious "new trilogy" (or whatever) vibes here, you know?
Don't get me wrong, I'm crossing my fingers to be completely wrong on this one...but I also have ZERO expectations of ever seeing the originals again. =(
1. Yes the first game(Vol 1) was partially about a possessed boy so it fits this new game a bit based on the game page's blurb anyways.
2. I hope we're wrong and we see the originals at some point in the future(heck, we got some games from Blizz on-board so all hope is not lost, eh?)....but if they do a faithful/good remake of them i'd also like that as well.
GameRager: Could be, but it was never blatantly stated who/what did it & I was always curious......and yeah I noticed some of that while playing. It was a fun game while it lasted.
Cadaver747: His past was not revealed, yes. But a few facts are known: his name is Joshua Stranger (credits) and he hates all kinds of monsters, at the same time he knows many of them personally. So you may assume he had a story involving relationships with dark beings (demons and such). Baron Samedi implied that he knew all about his past and hinted that it was not very bright. Stranger also is very cold towards normal humans, that could mean that his close ones (a family probably) were brutally massacred (sacrificed) by dark beings. Maybe Stranger is not his real name but a new alias and the whole purpose was to cut his past.
So of course we don't know much, but the hints are here and there. My guess is that he was forced by a contract to work for a powerful being which he hated and feared, and that contract was terminated with a loss of his family followed by banishment of ex-employer and his organization (a cult). There are many similarities with Caleb from Blood game which was released a few years earlier.
This is all true and I just realized the caleb similarities(*hits head due to stupidity*).
Crosmando: Ahhhh, the movie that created one of the worst movie genre of all time: found-footage horror
Some like VHS are pretty good. :\