This entire thread is how people reacted to 2001: A Space Odyssey back in 1968. Believe it or not, but the movie was largely panned pretty hard back when it came out. And that was during a time when
New Criticism, which is a way ob "objectively analyzing the text" in America was very widely popular when it came to reviewing Books and Movies. What I mean is that "objectively bad" isn't a statement that can solely exist inside a vacuum. At any case, People wouldn't see any progress back during the age of New Criticism. Same rules do probably apply to todays zeitgeist as well.
At any case, at least when it comes to statistics, people usually reject the argumentum ad populum, which is the notion that the majority of people saying something so it must be true, which is what I don't understand when it comes to this thread. So even if 100% of people say that a game is bad, it doesn't mean that it necessarily is truthfully bad, because another way to look into it can always be applied (if there is tangible data, the data used in this thread is lackluster in general value because its not
weighted). You should always read what the reviewers had to say and not just look up whether or not they've liked it or not at large and if said review has any objective criteria that you can relate it on properly, which also means you have to look at "both sides". Let me give two examples on why the argumentation against putting Vendetta on this store seem weird to me by using some very simple criteria.
First, we have
Man O War: Corsair (which has a avg of 61% on Steam and a 3.7★ rating on GOG, which doesn't seem like a very good score either. Besides this, it is objectively a barely finished experience, due to the lack of Early Access success and funding. The game, from the outside, doesn't also seem to be widely recognized as a good game, yet it is still on the GOG store. And playing
CoAS without any mods whatsoever is a weird experience. Both games are passion projects however. And judging from the positive comments regarding Vendetta: Ravens Cry, I can see fans of the game calling it a passion project as well. Not to mention that even if the game is considered one of the worst ones in 2015 (which has been stated), it makes those few positive voices and arguments on why its good (read the positive reviews on Steam and judge them like you judge and value the negative ones) more interesting to me than focusing on solely the bad criteria. As someone who hasen't touched Vendetta at all, this alone is more intriguing than using arguments that people made 4 years ago on why the game is bad or even terrible.
To phrase all of this but like the non baby boomers, CoAS alone has jank for a whole year of bad games. That doesn't make it a terrible game though. I think a whole lot of argumentation that can be used against Vendetta can be turned around, which is what some people on Steam clearly did. Otherwise it would objectively sit on a 0 instead of a below avg of 45% review score. "Terribleness" doesn't always translate into bad video games either, that has less to do with subjective opinion rather than applying the rules of causation. For instance, any implementation of a feature that can result in massive "jank" still can make the game still feel better objectively (tons of examples for this, just find a game where opinions on it vastly differ), whether or not people like it or not is entirely up to the player, as they're the ones who experience it. There was a huge discussion only about the idiosyncracies regarding good and terrible implementation of gameplay features when
Dark Souls was extremly popular (just one example thread out of many). Perhaps some people see Vendetta as a OK game for similar reasons nowadays as well? At least thats at how I see it now that I've looked into this topic a little bit, which did remind me of the whole 2001: A Space Odyssey thing that happened 50 years ago.
Anyway, as for me, I don't see any harm in bringing this game to the GOG Store. There is one exception though, if the game itself is truely broken by measureable objective criteria. And if GOG decided that Vendetta is objectively broken (in many ways) regardless whether or not a handful of people liked it. Its wouldn't be to us to decide if the game "deserves" to be put on the store if the die has been cast about this topic already (though I would buy it should it appear on the GOG store as this game doesn't seem as bad as Risen 2, which was a seriously bad experience. Subjectively spoken of course :D).
EDIT: Reading through the thread is fun and I agree with the moderator.