nicohvc: I can't speak about NES Ultima 5
Ultima 5 NES was an attempt to remake the game using an engine similar to Ultima 6, but it did not turn out well.
Some of the problems with that game:
* The NES runs at about 60 frames per second; each second, for 5 of those frames, the game will ignore your inputs. (It's worth noting that the game's animations are at a very low framerate, so the game doesn't even take advantage of the 60 FPS).
* Excluding the title screen, the intro (when you are asked questions to determing your starting stats), and the ending, there is only 1 music track for the entire game, and it isn't even 20 seconds long. Also, there are no sound effects. (Even Ultima 1 had sound effects!)
* It appears that the only way to restore your MP is to game over; using the tent to sleep does not restore MP.
* There is a spell that can teleport you to various locations, but the place it warps you to is random.
* If you've played another version, you might remember the first person dungeons with interesting rooms; all that is gone here, leaving you with boring corridors and nothing else.
You can watch a speedrun here (note: link autoplays video with audio): Of note, my family actually owned this version of the game, and when I got the Ultima Collection, my memories of the NES version turned me off to the game, and it was a while before I tried the PC version, which is actually good (at the very least, it's at least decent, unlike the NES version). Ultima 3 and 4 were good on the NES, so what happened here?