krugos2: some of my C64 games were completely incomprehensible.
I feel this way about a lot of games from that era. Programming standards? Pshaw, what's that. 30 years later and I still can't figure out most of them, yet Colossal Cave endures.
Anyway, E.T. Boy, I remember that one. Not actually playing it. I'm sure we had it, I just can't remember playing it. It was so bad Atari pulled it off the selves. They expected it to sell like hotcakes not realizing what a hot mess it actually was, based purely on the popularity of the movie. It's considered one of the worst games in history and I have to agree with what I've seen of it. An urban legend persisted for years that somewhere in New Mexico Atari had dumped millions of E.T. cartridges.
Turned out to be true when some guy decided to investigate and made a documentary about it, but there were less than a million (confirmed by Atari's officials, but not that much less) and it wasn't just E.T. that was dumped, there were other titles and hardware, but the legend shows how bad that thing is.