RWarehall: ... In fact, they have lost money for the first 9 months of this year.
Yes, I read about that too, but one has to be a bit careful there. GOG is a subsidiary of CDP and CDP made a profit in the first 9 months. Sometimes companies can move profits and losses between different parts of a company, it could be that GOG was making operational profit in this time while some creative accounting produced a formal loss in the financial report sheet.
At least the share price of CDProjekt as far as one can tell ( is not indicating immediate danger of bankruptcy of the whole group.
For some businesses most of the sales and the profit are generated in the fourth quarter. GOG might be one of them.
Still I guess that GOG might face some tough times ahead with a declining rev share (according to recent trends in industry), the need to increase the market share to lower relative fix costs, the pressure to cut costs to increase profitability and the immediate improvement of the usability of their website. Can they do it? Or will CDP close GOG at some point? Nobody knows.
All my games are backed up with nice classic installers. I'm ready for anything that may come.