mm324: I have cerebral palsy and walk with a cane. For the most part it doesn't affect how I look at disabilities in games. As far as other media goes....I think there's too much "playing the victim" by the disabled and those in the media who want to sensationalize it and/or high-jack it for their own agenda.
Fairfox: I think for me teh problem is taht, unless it's
inherent to teh story (as in teh
most important thang, or at least key), thar's just no 'drive' to be inclusive from devs. I guess taht bugs me. I can see it from both points of view; on teh one hand shoehornin' seems unnecessary, belittlin' and mebbe even counter-productive (?), but on teh other, as written, unless it's inherent it'll nevah happen outside of, saaay, villains or whatevs. Mebbe taht's okay, as in art not always reflectin' life. I don't kno... Seems wrong.
I think sometimes when people see someone who's disabled they tend to see it as a bigger part of the person than what it is. Behind the disability is a person with all of the same thoughts as everyone else. I can only speak for my self but I don't pay much to my disability until something happens like having to walk across a patch of ice. (Does someone who's extremely short/tall skinny/large only see that in themselves?) Maybe that's why it doesn't bother me to not see game characters with disabilities. That's not to say I'd be opposed to seeing a character using a cane to beat the cr#p out of a bad guy. That would be a reflection of my (younger) life. =D