RekontVerlon: I downloaded the offline version of the game today, ran it without the galaxy client, and i didn't get dlc items. Obviously one of us gives incorrect information. Maybe i was rude, i'm sorry, i don't know inglish well. But your way is NOT WORKING.
MarkoH01: So it is a misunderstanding since I never said anything else. Without
logging out of Galaxy prior launching the game the DLC won't work. But this workaround still works - that's all I was saying.
I created a video myself. Actually several videos in chronological order:
1) How to log out of Galaxy so that it is even possible to launch the DLC.
2) Launching the game from shortcut after having logged out of Galaxy and then saving the game. (that's the same what you did - but I guess you were missing step 1 and therefore the DLC was not shown).
3) Launching the game again after having been logged in (you can see that he DLC is missing uintil I reload the save I made in step 2). To make it perfectly clear: you need to LOG OUT of Galaxy. Not starting Galaxy is not enough!
Okay, log out did work, I'm sorry. I was wrong. Thanks for explaining this to me.
But this does not negate the fact that for 5 years the Larians have not wanted to fix the problem with the gog version of the game.