Posted May 20, 2022

New User
Registered: Nov 2009
From Poland

New User
Registered: Nov 2012
From Chile
Posted May 20, 2022
Spellforce 3 Fallen God standalone dlc. I believe the gog version is still on a version that dates to 2021 and has issues linking to the other spellforce 3 games, due to being out of date. Which is pretty bad.

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted May 21, 2022
cypherpunkswrite is right. While other digital retailers may sell the same version, missing content compared to the retail build is at the very least worth pointing out. It is then up to the customer to make the informed decision whether he wants to still buy the digital version or if he should go bargain hunting on ebay for the feature-complete retail version.

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted May 22, 2022

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
Posted May 22, 2022

On the other hand, this argument could also be used to include games with missing old retail Mac/Linux builds, but one of the thread creators shot down the idea years ago to limit themselves to essentially digital:
Post edited May 22, 2022 by Grargar

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted May 23, 2022

Personally, I think for me this mostly boils down to rather having more info on the list than less. I'd have liked to have known about the missing content beforehand.
On the flipside, the censored versions of Fallout 1 & 2 aren't on the list either, since it's censored across all digital storefronts, so I suppose not adding Worms Armageddon would be consistent.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Poland
Posted May 23, 2022

Personally, I think for me this mostly boils down to rather having more info on the list than less. I'd have liked to have known about the missing content beforehand.
On the flipside, the censored versions of Fallout 1 & 2 aren't on the list either, since it's censored across all digital storefronts, so I suppose not adding Worms Armageddon would be consistent.

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted May 23, 2022
high rated
The rules on what is considered for the list and what isn't, might not be entirely consistent, but the general idea is that we compare games that are actively sold on any PC shopfront.
Given the general shift to digital releases for PC, we more or less rule out any retail versions because in most cases these are old copies still being around. And after market/second hand shops/platforms don't count.
It's fine that people might disagree, but that's the decision we made for this list. People are free to compile a separate list for that. It would be more fitting for a list that documents (unofficial) tweaks and additions.
We don't include achievements or cloud saves here either – again people may disagree, which is fine. There is a dedicated list for achievements for that reason.
Leaderboards are a slightly different case, before anyone asks, we do consider them here. I'd personally think that they are an edge case.
And for third party Mac/Linux builds, we consider those that are sold alongside their first party Windows versions. Buying a Feral/Aspyr port usually grants the Windows version too (and vice versa), which is why they become relevant.
The exception would be the Mac Store, but there hasn't been any case where this might come into play so far.
Again, not asking you to agree but only to understand that we made some decisions for the list. None of them are set in stone, it's possible to reconsider them but at least for old retail copies it's very unlikely.
Given the general shift to digital releases for PC, we more or less rule out any retail versions because in most cases these are old copies still being around. And after market/second hand shops/platforms don't count.
It's fine that people might disagree, but that's the decision we made for this list. People are free to compile a separate list for that. It would be more fitting for a list that documents (unofficial) tweaks and additions.
We don't include achievements or cloud saves here either – again people may disagree, which is fine. There is a dedicated list for achievements for that reason.
Leaderboards are a slightly different case, before anyone asks, we do consider them here. I'd personally think that they are an edge case.
And for third party Mac/Linux builds, we consider those that are sold alongside their first party Windows versions. Buying a Feral/Aspyr port usually grants the Windows version too (and vice versa), which is why they become relevant.
The exception would be the Mac Store, but there hasn't been any case where this might come into play so far.
Again, not asking you to agree but only to understand that we made some decisions for the list. None of them are set in stone, it's possible to reconsider them but at least for old retail copies it's very unlikely.

Registered: Dec 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted May 23, 2022

Personally, I think for me this mostly boils down to rather having more info on the list than less. I'd have liked to have known about the missing content beforehand.
On the flipside, the censored versions of Fallout 1 & 2 aren't on the list either, since it's censored across all digital storefronts, so I suppose not adding Worms Armageddon would be consistent.

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted May 23, 2022

Long story short: IIRC all digital retailers sell a censored version that's based on the European retail version (which removes all the children from the game). Only the US retail version is fully uncut.

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted May 24, 2022
Seems like Biomutant (the actual game. I see the soundtrack is on the list) is out of date. GOGDB shows the last update was v1.4 while on STEAMDB is says it shows there was v1.5 and even a few more updates after that.

All the lonely people...
Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted May 24, 2022

According to steamdb last update was 05.11.021.
According to gogdb last update was also 05.11.021.
Maybe just version difference or some mistake with version number on GOG page.
I don't own the game but maybe someone can check if the 1.5 features is exists in current build.

Registered: Apr 2015
From Greece
Posted May 24, 2022

According to steamdb last update was 05.11.021.
According to gogdb last update was also 05.11.021.
Maybe just version difference or some mistake with version number on GOG page.
I don't own the game but maybe someone can check if the 1.5 features is exists in current build.

DumbQuestion Guy
Registered: Mar 2012
From Trinidad and Tobago
Posted May 27, 2022
Expeditions: Rome is on version 1.4 on GOG, while Steam received a 1.4.1 patch that fixed some bugs.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Poland
Posted May 27, 2022

Long story short: IIRC all digital retailers sell a censored version that's based on the European retail version (which removes all the children from the game). Only the US retail version is fully uncut.