As the day progressed, the need for justice intensified.
“Burn the witch…err…I mean kill the traitor” , shouted adalia pointing to trent.
“Kill most anyone but me” piped in drealmer.
“Don’t kill me", pleaded trent.
Brasas and HypersomniacLive seemed caught in a dilemma, not knowing whether to duke it out or passionately embrace. Finally, Brasas proposed they tango…to the death of trent. It wasn’t quite clear who was leading/following but none-the-less, they tangoed gracefully in step. At the end of the dance, they locked trentonlf (Nick Nack) in the interrogation room until Bond could arrive.
Sensing that they had made the right choice, everyone decided to dance until the time of Nick Nack’s reckoning. With music blaring, no one noticed Nick Nack climb out the interrogation room doggy door (who put THAT there?) and make his way out of the building and to the boat where 007 would surely be. No need to go down without a fight.
Silently, Nick Nack boards the boat. With Bond’s attention on other matters, it is the perfect time to attack. In the
pursuing struggle Bond boxes up Nick Nack and hangs him out to dry. What we don’t see is when the boat reaches a piranha infested lagoon, he let’s Nick Nack go….into the lagoon. It’s too grisly to show the details, but it went something
like this.
Trentonlf has been lynched. He was Mafia Goon. (a.k.a. Nick Nack) – traitor of SHUFUR
Congratulations to the loyal members of SHUFUR! You have eradicated the traitors! You may now resume your quest to live out your lives in peace! Bond, as always, will return.