Tauto: That's what I expected here, know all's putting the boot in and talking crap about someone else's tragedy.
It's called honest criticism, and should be allowed to be leveled where warranted. Yes he lost his child, and that is tragic whenever it happens, but he isn't a perfect saint(The man used his son's death to get some time in the papers & complain about the hobby that his son loved after letting his son waste away without doing anything to stop it).
I don't believe either that the "don't speak ill of the dead or grieving" maxim is or should be absolute......bad actions should and sometimes need to be criticized to hold people accountable and to try to make sure said things don't happen again(and to make people aware of bad issues that need fixing in society).
Acriz: It is gaming related, since games are so charming and all-encompassing that you can easily forget to move for a prolonged period of time. Moving a little bit, getting up and stretching a little at least once every hour, is generally good advice.
By that I meant it is framed as if the games alone were what killed the kid....as in playing the games(standing or sitting) is what killed him. That is improper and misleading framing.
The kid also might have been using the PC for other things besides gaming, but they focus on the gaming and not just label it "Overuse of PC/sitting at desk leads to kid's death"...they intentionally focused on game/gaming.