Chasmaniac: It is 2025 and the GOG GOTY version is broken with only false promises (so far) of a fix for getting the Creation Club Content into the game .. I paid for the full version of the game, not the neutered version ..
Fair Warning to other players that may use mods that require the Creation Club Content .. DO NOT BUY THE GOG VERSION .. as much as you may hate Steam, it's the only version that can use mods requiring Creation Club .. and most critical of these mods is the Unofficial Patch that is required by so many mods it is rediculous ..
.. reading back through the other comments, including from the GOG Team .. there really is no end in sight that includes a solution to the missing CCC .. and you can't install the Steam and the Gog versions on the same PC .. so either get two PCs or avoid the GOG version .. of course, there is no issue if you don't want CCC stuff, but the list of mods you can use is almost none ..
Actually you can install the steam and gog version on the same pc I have done it no tweaks or anything .. granted do to cloud saves/synce and one drive one needs to keep in mind one saves ..that and I don't mod Fallout 4 ..
but ya as far as I can tell the list of mods compatible with gogs version has been an increasingly shrinking pool sense this so called ''Next gen''update was a thing do to mods either updated to account for the baked in content or made for the new content or the required plug ins updating for the new version most make mods with the now baked in content in mind