Caesar.: ...I guess I am not an impulse buyer.
Well, I would have to say, that I am ... though the impulses need to be correct ... interest in the game and price being the main ones, other than the state of my wallet and other responsible expenditures in life. Sometimes reality steps in and says - But do you really need that? Are you likely to ever play it?
And I have been really good for many years until recently. With 6 more purchases last night, at a total cost of $14.xx, my GoG collection has now extended to 148 ... since joining in May. Two of those, like many in my GoG collection, I already had on disc in one form or another (with or without mission packs, etc).
And that's not counting any duplicates in Console form, that really, only my kids play.
So yes, I do impulse buy if motivated enough ... it is rarely ever a quick decision though, so how impulsive does that make it? Nearly all those I bought last night, I have been cogitating on a while, and could have bought back during the big sale a few weeks ago, at the same price.
I am motivated by many factors, when it comes to making a purchase, and generally the game summary and the reviews play an important part for me, and the price definitely. Unlike many it seems, I never bother with the video clips, just the game images ... which I find vitally important. Sometimes I will do further research on Wikipedia.
Themken: ... the Orange Box game collection from Valve being one (with the Half-Life games in it... Yup). It is collecting dust on my shelf uninstalled.
Sounds like someone else i know, except I finally did install most of it recently, after many years of being hidden away from dust ... never installed. I of course blame Steam for that .... most definitely.