dtgreene: Out of curiosity:
* What level are your characters at the start of the demo?
* What level are you expected to be at the end of the demo?
(Also, if someone has played the old version of the game, what level were you at by end game?)
Anyway, I am hoping that somebody preserves the demo so that it can be played and dissected in the future.
Hikage1983: Demo starts right at the beginning of the game. There are no character levels. Instead you level up weapons, skills and attributes in a manner similar to SaGa games, which should come as little surprise considering SaGa veterans worked on this game. Did not finish the demo so i can't tell how far it takes you.
Well, the whole thing about learning skills during battle reminds me of SaGa, so I guess this makes sense. In any case, this is the answer I was hoping for, and I think I'll get the game if it runs in WINE, at least once the price is reasonable (which could be at release, or it could be on a sale).
Interesting that SaGa veterans worked on this game.