I swore because they suggested I try to create a new account which I did and then when I went into it I had 1 game that I purchased recently. I have about 170 games all together. My account that was changed to a yahoo account had all the games in it, but when I made the new account, now when I try to login to the yahoo account it says it doesn't exist. So that help or information made it impossible to access all my games. That's why I got mad !
I have apologized in another e-mail, but they continue to ignore me. I spent a bunch of money for these games and I relly think it's unfair the way they are handling this issue. No contact at all after many e-mails requesting they help me.
lupineshadow: You need to click on Account -> Support -> Swear Jar -> Report Self
Then donate to the charity they suggest (usually Ukrainian shovelware game developers).
"Everything is all messed up" is very vague. If that was your email to GOG then maybe that's why no response?
What is the problem? What did you do? What did you try?
pds41: I'm more interested in the time machine that OP, who has been supporting GoG for 20 years, has clearly developed. What is going to happen in the next five years? Which stocks can we buy/short to make a tonne of money? Who will win the 2026 World Cup?
I have no clue what your talking about.
And Excuussee me. 15 years all better now ?