Leroux: Depends on your expectation about graphics, but have you tried Driftmoon yet? That one is pretty simple and not that hard in terms of real time combat, it's a nice light-hearted RPG adventure with dialogues and puzzles. IIRC it also has some choices.
I think Nox wasn't really hard either, but it's been a long time since I last played it and I can't judge where to draw the line on what you would find easy and what too difficult to handle. I don't remember it having choices that alter the story, but I think you will partially travel through different areas depending on your choice of character class.
Neverwinter Nights can be a game about choices and not too hard combat, too, but I can't quite recommend the official campaign myself, because I found it too long, boring and tedious for the most part. If you choose to go with custom campaigns though, you can just pick one that's light on combat and heavy on roleplaying choices.
EDIT: I wouldn't call the the first Witcher game easy real time combat though. Regular combats are not too difficult if you can keep the rhythm, but the first boss battle is insane and can be extremely frustrating even for people who usually don't have a problem with real time combat.
Oh that Demon Dog is not that hard. A little bit of common sense and well planned potion taken can beat that in 30 seconds.