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Big changes are here.

My Account is the heart of your experience. It's the one place that's 100% yours, and the place you always go to download your games and manage the entire library.
Starting today, your My Account is completely new - remade and redesigned from scratch to better support our growing library of games and many of your biggest requests. Aside from every usability fix we could think of, we've also introduced brand new tools to keep your library organised, and new social features to stay in touch with your friends.

The list of new features is long, but you can see the whole thing on our forums. The most important highlights include:

--Support for friends lists and chat.
--Shared wishlists.
--Advanced filtering and custom tags for your library.
--A new, detailed order history.
--Accessible game changelogs.

We're sure that these new changes will greatly improve your overall user experience on, and we can't wait to hear what you think on the wishlist and right here in the comments!
Codz: My biggest issue with this is the lack of attention to the GOG Downloader. I'm a little puzzled as to why game installers must now be directly downloaded through the browser by default, as opposed to just making it toggle-able like before.
Here's my take on the reason.

JMO and all, but it feels right...
I was very happy to see tags for our library, something Steam hasn't managed to implement yet, but there are a few problems with the system as it stands.
1. Only a single tag appears on the game listing, even if multiple tags have been applied. I would like all tags there is room for to appear, with ellipses if there are too many to display at once.
2. When you create a new tag, it appears at the top of the list. This makes sense if you're about to use it to tag a game, but it makes less sense when you come back later and find out the tags are not alphabetical. It should be possible to list tags alphabetically.
3. The worst part of tags as it stands is that sorting by multiple tags does not work properly. If I select my "action" tag and my "adventure" tag, I am looking for games that are BOTH action AND adventure (like Beyond Good and Evil), not games that are either action OR adventure.
Some bugreporting here.
Something is just updated, so I'll try to illustrate the bug in the library.
1. A number (1) is shown near ACCOUNT menu and LIBRARY menu item.
2. Clicking on LIBRARY menu item in ACCOUNT menu.
3. There is no indicator that there is something updated near the MY COLLECTION (...) title. UPDATED (0) is shown in the MY COLLECTION menu.
4. Refreshing the page.
5. My Collection (..., 1 updated) is shown in the title. UPDATED (1) is shown in the MY COLLECTION menu.
6. Selecting the UPDATED (1) menu item in the menu.
7. An updated game (Quest for Infamy) is shown.
8. Clicking on the game image.
9. Refreshing the page.
10. My Collection (..., 1 updated) is shown in the title. UPDATED (1) is shown in the MY COLLECTION menu.
11. Selecting the UPDATED (1) menu item in the menu.
12. "No results found".

As you can see, something in (3) and (10-12) is not right. At first an information about updated game is not shown until page refreshing, then this information is still shown when it is not correct any more.
Firefox 37.0.2
The new skins mentioned better have a completely dark theme included. Though not that it really matters, because the Pitch Black Firefox userstyle exists.
JudasIscariot: Are you looking at Eador: Masters of the Broken World or Genesis? Genesis was NOT updated :)
eiii: Masters of the Broken World :)

And it indeed has a changelog. You just only can get one changelog at a time! After that you have to reopen the library page. Interesting feature. :P
Firefox bug. I had the same problem. After updating to the latest version and removing some add-ins, it began to work. OTOH, Chrome seems to work perfectly without any tweaking necessary.
DyNaer: i got the exact games update :)

at first when i saw the 2 updates , i tried to use the updates filter , there were (0); then the second time the 2 where there.

it looks like the filter either take some times when the number of games in the library is quite large , either a bug ; or a problem with the browser i use (FF 37.0.2 too)
volodyja: Same problem here (Firefox 37.0.2)
I also had to manually refresh the library page to get the updates.
high rated
Grargar: OK, that might be an example, but what if you have a lot of games updated?
Then I will hunt Judas till the end of times until he tells me exactly which of my games got updated! ;-P

All I'm saying is that update notifications and tags on game cards have their use, and since we have them they should be more visible, clearly noticeable, regardless of the device one uses to access their games. The fact that we have the drop-down menu is not reason enough to drop them.

Another point I made is that I think it's a bad idea to use the same, tiny blue dot for both updates and new games. The respective tags should be distinguishable from each other, and the old red ones, the purpose of each one clearly labelled, were doing a damn fine job at that. Why they were dropped in favour of this dot system is beyond me.
yyahoo: Perhaps GOG should consider making turning the updated flag off a manual act, a checkbox or something, instead of automatically when you view the game.
Indeed, removing the update flag already when the changelog has been viewed is not a good idea. Please either remove the flag only when the updated game has been downloaded (not sure if that's possible) or make it a manual act.
Post edited May 12, 2015 by eiii
Tannath: Actually, that's bugged. The tags I had today I already cleared so I can't post a screenshot, but there's two bugs:
Grargar: Now that I have an update, let's put this to the test via the power of screenshots.
Tannath: 1) Even when you do have updated games, the number next to "Updated" is always 0;
Grargar: 1 Updated. Check 1st image.
Tannath: 2) When you click on "Updated" to filter them, on top you get "Updated ()" instead of "Updated (X)"
Grargar: Updated (1). Check 2nd image.
Using Chrome version 42.0.2311.135 m
Updated Firefox. I'll keep an eye out the next time I get a flag.
high rated
Coelocanth: This one, at least, is supposedly on the 'coming soon' list:

-- COMING SOON: Improved searching. Soon, finding desired titles will be easier thanks to the search improvements that we'll be implementing on the new My Account. Also, as part of the solution, we will be changing the way that titles from a series are ordered (i.e. Broken Sword should always show up before Broken Sword 2).

From the OP in This Thread.
I hope they do it right, but I fear that it won't solve issues like games belonging to a series, anthology or compilation that were unbundled and their titles have nth to do with each other, like Planettfall from the Zork Anthology (which incidentally has no Store Page link), or the fact that Return to Zork will never be anywhere near the other Zork games. Without any form of manual sorting, this sort of issues will always exist.
HypersomniacLive: I hope they do it right, but I fear that it won't solve issues like games belonging to a series, anthology or compilation that were unbundled and their titles have nth to do with each other, like Planettfall from the Zork Anthology (which incidentally has no Store Page link), or the fact that Return to Zork will never be anywhere near the other Zork games. Without any form of manual sorting, this sort of issues will always exist.
Yeah, this thought had occurred to me as well. I'm also hoping they figure a way to get it to sort properly, but I have some concerns.
Olauron: Some bugreporting here.
Something is just updated, so I'll try to illustrate the bug in the library.
1. A number (1) is shown near ACCOUNT menu and LIBRARY menu item.
2. Clicking on LIBRARY menu item in ACCOUNT menu.
3. There is no indicator that there is something updated near the MY COLLECTION (...) title. UPDATED (0) is shown in the MY COLLECTION menu.
4. Refreshing the page.
5. My Collection (..., 1 updated) is shown in the title. UPDATED (1) is shown in the MY COLLECTION menu.
6. Selecting the UPDATED (1) menu item in the menu.
7. An updated game (Quest for Infamy) is shown.
8. Clicking on the game image.
9. Refreshing the page.
10. My Collection (..., 1 updated) is shown in the title. UPDATED (1) is shown in the MY COLLECTION menu.
11. Selecting the UPDATED (1) menu item in the menu.
12. "No results found".

As you can see, something in (3) and (10-12) is not right. At first an information about updated game is not shown until page refreshing, then this information is still shown when it is not correct any more.
Firefox 37.0.2
Quoting for highlighting the issue.

Just had a 'library' notification I couldn't trace back. Not sure if this is related to the blue dot I see next to Master of Magic. I am not sure how this will be handled now.
Coelocanth: This one, at least, is supposedly on the 'coming soon' list:

-- COMING SOON: Improved searching. Soon, finding desired titles will be easier thanks to the search improvements that we'll be implementing on the new My Account. Also, as part of the solution, we will be changing the way that titles from a series are ordered (i.e. Broken Sword should always show up before Broken Sword 2).

From the OP in This Thread.
HypersomniacLive: I hope they do it right, but I fear that it won't solve issues like games belonging to a series, anthology or compilation that were unbundled and their titles have nth to do with each other, like Planettfall from the Zork Anthology (which incidentally has no Store Page link), or the fact that Return to Zork will never be anywhere near the other Zork games. Without any form of manual sorting, this sort of issues will always exist.
Probably. I can name a few more: Chiness Chess (aka Battle Chess 2), Post Mortem (part of the Still Life series), SWAT3 (part of the Police Quest - SWAT series), Riven (aka Myst 2), Real Myst, Softporn Adventure (comes with the Leisure Suit Larry series), Memoria (follow up to The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav), some of the Ultima titles...
high rated
Addition to my post #595 regarding the Game Collection page.


Not a fan of it, as it further breaks the sense of having a complete game library, but will live with it if there's no way to have an alternative. But it needs a very serious improvement.

The page indicators and arrow-buttons are listed only at the very bottom. Since we're locked to using by title or purchase date sorting, it's impractical and inefficient to have to scroll all the way down the page in order to navigate (via the arrows) or jump (typing the page number) to the section of the game collection we want to access.
It makes a lot of sense to add them at the top as well, so one can make their choice right away.

And before anyone says "but you can now filter!" - filtering is not the answer to everything; it hides everything that does not meet the filter-criteria, and sometimes it's about the relative place of a specific game in the collection.

One more (relatively minor) issue about this is that it's not immediately clear that one can type in the page-number box. Since you seem to be such big fans of drop-down menus, perhaps you should consider applying one here too.
Another suggestion I read was to display the number of pages, like in the forum; I wouldn't mind this, but I doubt you'd do it this way.

EDIT: a post by user eiii, reminded me of something else in relation to this.

Chamb said in their OP here about pagination [emphasis added]:
-- Pagination. [...]. The default size of each page is 100 items, but we believe that with the myriad of new filtering options it won't be a problem.
This almost sounds like you're considering to offer us the option to change the default size. If so, it would be a very good idea to also offer the option to display our entire collection on a single page. There's already an entry in the Wishlist for this.
Post edited May 14, 2015 by HypersomniacLive
This is just an aesthetic thing really. I think there was quite an improvement with all the new welcomed features, some of which were old wishlisted items but on the other hand I liked the old look (not talking about features here) of the wishlist and the library. They had maybe more personality with the paper wishlist and the game boxes on the shelf.
I guess the new design matches the rest of the UI of the site better, though the old one matched the feel of the site better in my opinion.

The new functionality and capabilities are welcomed though.
Post edited May 12, 2015 by LoboBlanco