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I may have spoken too soon, I just experienced another driver crash, the game does seem generally more stable than it was before though.

I've just turned off overlay, I'll have to see if that makes any kind of difference.
CallMeHoot: Firstly, I couldn't start the game. Crash on startup. Downloaded latest NVIDIA drivers (I thought mine were current, but they weren't) and then I could boot the game. Game now boots fine, character creation itself is fine...but as soon as the game actually begins, my character (I chose Corpo path) vomits on a table then the game crashes with a "Woah, Cyberpunk 2077 has flatlined!" error. Nothing I can do or change in the settings will get me past this point. It crashes my entire driver and I have to wait for 30 sec for it to recover.

Steps I've taken include :-

-Updated to latest NVIDIA drivers (460.79)
-Verified game files
-Disabled GOG overlay
-Set "Max Frames" to 60
-Tried VSync on/off (basically, messed about with all the settings, doesn't make a difference)

None of these fix the problem.

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 on a i5 3570K, Geforce 1080 and 16gb of RAM.

Haven't had any issue with literally any other game I've ever played. And I've played a lot. I understand from what I've read that it's probably just the game itself (or it's interaction with the drivers) and that there's nothing I can do until either the game gets patched or new drivers are released but I figured maybe there might be some thing I haven't tried that someone could point me to.
As last resort you could try tweaking settings in nvidia 3d panel for cyberpunk. Set them to max performance (txture filtering and energy management. I also did that, but crashes only stooped after disabling galaxy gui.
And do not forget to restart pc.
Okay, updated Nvidia graphics to the best possible on WIn7, and Woosh 20 minutes of smooth play. I will try the hour long attempt at playthrough to see it if crashes, but so far it is alright. It actually starts now.
Now I'm at the appartment and it crashes everytime I try to look into the mirror. I guess the mirror situations are the most taxing gpu-wise. Lowering some settings (SSR) seems to help here.
welp back again, not as hopeful as i was yesterday, tried the nexus mod fix and the manual hex edit of it as well without any success unfortunately, the only other thing ive seen is to UNDERCLOCK you graphics card a forum post around the place claimed that he was watching his card overworked on some area during loads causeing drama and underclocking it helped, but im not comfortable with mucking around with overclocking and underclocking stuff im only putting it out as a suggestion for people that are comfortable with it to and willing to give it a try and report back.

*fuck me i got 1 hr and 10 mins playtime and the furthest i got was "press f" the only other convoluted thing that i can think of has to do with directx 12, as in win7 doesnt have it yet the stacktrace.txt is giving the

Error reason: Assert
Expression: <Unknown>
Message: Gpu Crash for unknown reasons! Callstack here is probably irrelevant. Check if Breadcrumbs or Aftermath logged anything useful.
File: e:\r6.patch0hotfix2\dev\src\common\gpuapi\src\dx12\gpuapidx12error.cpp(40)

error that dx12\gpuapidx12error.cpp(40) sorta points to being dx12, now i know that world of warcraft did a port of dx12 to win 7 off the top of my head, and cyberpunk2077 has a min of windows 7 requirement, so maybe they forgot to add the port files or whatever is used for that little work around since you can only get in on windows 10, unless theres a seperate download or something for dx12 on win7 someone can point me to?
Post edited December 11, 2020 by NoobyMcNoobnoob
It's definitely a bug that I hope CP77 fixes quickly. So far I get driver error when opening the menus like inventory and sort too quickly. Also mirror as many have already reported also happens to me. Then there was one part in the story that was almost a roadblock until I lowered a resolution to 1280x720 for one specific part.

I can play 2+ hrs just fine as long as I don't spam inventory or such menu keys. I have to do 1 second pause before pressing hud keys.
Running? No. Game immediately crashes. It makes a file in the binary's folder, then immediately exits and deletes the file. It crashes so quickly that I had to try several times with Task Manager just to see that it was, in fact, starting.

I tried updating the graphics drivers from the November release to the December one, but due to an unrelated issue (TL;DR MSI lied about compatibility), this totally fucked my Windows install and I've been trying for almost 6 hours to recover it. I have a backup but it's from before I upgraded my graphics card and I'm not sure I'll be lucky enough to install the drivers again - Plus I don't want to roll back any of my game saves.

Anyways, I've given up for the night. I've booted into my main Linux partition and I'm trying out WINE and Proton to see if either will behave. I've heard Proton does well on the Steam version of Cyberpunk 2077, but I don't know if using it on the GOG version will work.

Windows 7 Pro SP1 (unpatched for speed)
Ryzen 3700X
MSI x470 Gaming Plus Max (using modded canonkong drivers to improve stability and add USB support)
ASRock Taichi 5700 XT
16GB RAM (4x4GB @ 2133 MHz)
Mechanical HDD
Post edited December 11, 2020 by Ragmand
NoobyMcNoobnoob: welp back again, not as hopeful as i was yesterday, tried the nexus mod fix and the manual hex edit of it as well without any success unfortunately, the only other thing ive seen is to UNDERCLOCK you graphics card a forum post around the place claimed that he was watching his card overworked on some area during loads causeing drama and underclocking it helped, but im not comfortable with mucking around with overclocking and underclocking stuff im only putting it out as a suggestion for people that are comfortable with it to and willing to give it a try and report back.

*fuck me i got 1 hr and 10 mins playtime and the furthest i got was "press f" the only other convoluted thing that i can think of has to do with directx 12, as in win7 doesnt have it yet the stacktrace.txt is giving the

Error reason: Assert
Expression: <Unknown>
Message: Gpu Crash for unknown reasons! Callstack here is probably irrelevant. Check if Breadcrumbs or Aftermath logged anything useful.
File: e:\r6.patch0hotfix2\dev\src\common\gpuapi\src\dx12\gpuapidx12error.cpp(40)

error that dx12\gpuapidx12error.cpp(40) sorta points to being dx12, now i know that world of warcraft did a port of dx12 to win 7 off the top of my head, and cyberpunk2077 has a min of windows 7 requirement, so maybe they forgot to add the port files or whatever is used for that little work around since you can only get in on windows 10, unless theres a seperate download or something for dx12 on win7 someone can point me to?
You might be right here, wow also did kill my pc hard, before I somehow fixed it..
And why the hell there is no full screen option, smells like win10 leftovers.

After if fixed cb crashes i was able to play few hours without any crash.
Post edited December 11, 2020 by mythdragon
To anybody with an AMD Card I recommend using the Radeon drivers from october. I've had frequent crashes with the new driver and the november driver and haven't had a single crash since I have used the older driver.

Someone recommended that on another forum and I am happy I stumbled upon this.

I use Win 7 with a Radeon R9 390.

btw I love this game (even with 30 fps and most settings on medium/low)
I'm running it on my system and haven't had any major issues with crashes or anything. However, my performance hasn't been fantastic even with everything on low and resolution scaling at 85%. My GPU isn't being fully utilized for whatever reason, which is what I'm assuming is my primary problem, since I've spoken to other people with similar hardware setups who say they're able to run it on at least medium with 40+ FPS. Hopefully, once CDPR starts rolling out some optimization, I'll be able to play with 30+ FPS at least, even if I have to keep things on low or, hopefully, medium.
I have had crashes like yours with the same messages. I have windows 7.

I reduced the graphics by default from HIGH to LOW or MEDIUM and it stopped instantly crashing.
I still get hourly crashes, if not more often. But it can be played.

However I just got to a part in the main story a few hours in and it crashes every time at the same spot, even on lowest settings. I've tried everything, even disabling tutorials (which shouldn't be relevant that many hours in) but just to say I tried it all.

So I guess I can play the intro section of the game but no Keanu for me =/


Geforce GTX 980
32 gb of RAM
Windows 7

And yes I did do the latest graphic driver update.
Hi pal,

I have same shitty config, but it successfully torque almost all recent stuff at least on FHD..
AMD FX-6300@4GHZ
24GB DDR3 @ 2000MHz
1060 6GB
Windows 7SP1

And I could not run at on launch untill I've installed latest NVidia drivers...
But after that I have periodic crashes as you, and constant low FPS ~10-15.
No matter what values/resolution I set in the settings.
Low, Medium, High, Ultra... Difference is ~ 5 FPS

This is currently barely playable... and crashes....

What do we expect to wait? new drivers? new patches? new hardware? (-.-)
this is a total ( ! )
kingram666: I can't upgrade to 10 yet.
Baldur's Gate III won't run on my machine so maybe I can't buy another $60 game I can't play.
Start BG with the left-Shift key pressed until the loading screen is done. Worked for my Win7
Hi everyone,
took me some time time to config the game properly so I felt was worth to share this.
I had all the possible glitch and problem crackling audio, crash etc etc...
My PC is :
- Win 7 64bit
- GTX 1660 super 6Gb DDR6
- i7 4790K
- 16GB RAM
So, I was expecting to play on high settings 1080p and the game also default start like that.
It even runs pretty smooth, but then dies every 5-10 minutes with "driver video stopped working"...
The solution to all problems for me has been:
-vsync enabled 60
-max framerate on 60
-texture mid
-everything else on low except aniso filtering 16 and level detail high
It still look nice (for my personal standard) and more important no more CTD.
Hope this help someone <3
WLapassera: Hi everyone,
took me some time time to config the game properly so I felt was worth to share this.
I had all the possible glitch and problem crackling audio, crash etc etc...
My PC is :
- Win 7 64bit
- GTX 1660 super 6Gb DDR6
- i7 4790K
- 16GB RAM
So, I was expecting to play on high settings 1080p and the game also default start like that.
It even runs pretty smooth, but then dies every 5-10 minutes with "driver video stopped working"...
The solution to all problems for me has been:
-vsync enabled 60
-max framerate on 60
-texture mid
-everything else on low except aniso filtering 16 and level detail high
It still look nice (for my personal standard) and more important no more CTD.
Hope this help someone <3
quick question has anyone else got the option for full screen cause all ive had is windowed or window boarderless, also scaling has dissappeared from my options