Firstly, I couldn't start the game. Crash on startup. Downloaded latest NVIDIA drivers (I thought mine were current, but they weren't) and then I could boot the game. Game now boots fine, character creation itself is fine...but as soon as the game actually begins, my character (I chose Corpo path) vomits on a table then the game crashes with a "Woah, Cyberpunk 2077 has flatlined!" error. Nothing I can do or change in the settings will get me past this point. It crashes my entire driver and I have to wait for 30 sec for it to recover.
Steps I've taken include :-
-Updated to latest NVIDIA drivers (460.79)
-Verified game files
-Disabled GOG overlay
-Set "Max Frames" to 60
-Tried VSync on/off (basically, messed about with all the settings, doesn't make a difference)
None of these fix the problem.
I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 on a i5 3570K, Geforce 1080 and 16gb of RAM.
Haven't had any issue with literally any other game I've ever played. And I've played a lot. I understand from what I've read that it's probably just the game itself (or it's interaction with the drivers) and that there's nothing I can do until either the game gets patched or new drivers are released but I figured maybe there might be some thing I haven't tried that someone could point me to.
Post edited December 11, 2020 by CallMeHoot