Gurke.836: I wouldn't say it makes you rush through more on the other side. For example I tend to jump from side quests to main story from time to time and when I get bored of them to some contracts or treasure hunt. Sometimes just wandering around and enjoying the beautiful world. So it does it's job by making you entertained all the time.
Still, the Kaer Mohren requirement for the wolf set is annoying, it's logical but unpractical.
I really enjoyed the Wolf Gear set, but you can't get to Kaer Mohren until you find Ciri that sucked, should be a way to get there sooner. I played again using Griffin gear since can use at lower level but set suxed till at least enhanced. Since sets don't give extra bonus for having full set plan on doing mixed gear next. The Cat crossbow is a must no matter what gear, best in game I've found so far.