Posted May 29, 2015
Honestly, I have been playing this game for a week now and it is by far the worst I have ever played. To begin with the controls are horrible for PC ( don't have a console and never will so don't say a thing about controllers, this was hyped as aPC game not console). Geralt runs and then takes 200 yards to stop..seriously. When in combat he gets stuck on everything in sight and can't move, just stands there and gets killed. Every time I load a saved game the default is run..WHY?? I saved it as WALK. Also, when I load a previous save the sign I had selected when saved is now changed to whatever sign the game decides to put up. I did some rekey bindings and moved the dodge from alt to Q and now when I push Q to dodge he just stands with this thumb up his arse and gets wasted. I've had my key bindings revert to defaults when I load a saved game. It takes 10 minutes to get the game set back up. Most of the time I try to fire off a sign and nothing happens, mash the key 10 times and nothing. Sorry guys but this is really unacceptable programming and you need to do something about it soon. I have very few good things to say about this game. It could be awesome but the poor, poor combat controls, movement controls, etc are just unacceptable for this caliber of game. Oh and one other thing...WHERE THE HECK IS THE QUICK SAVE????????? REALLY????