Posted January 25, 2018
I skipped the tutorial for Gwent and now when I go to Tutorial, it only has description of Gwent Deck and no other useful detailed information for playing Gwent. I was able to get the details when I did tutorial when playing gwent for the first time. However, I backtracked to previous saved game, did not do the tutorial with the scholar and now the detailed information for gwent is gone from the Tutorial screen. I now progressed far in the game and still don't have the detailed information for gwent when I go to the Tutorial in the game.
How do I get the Gwent tutorial details?
I skipped the tutorial for Gwent and now when I go to Tutorial, it only has description of Gwent Deck and no other useful detailed information for playing Gwent. I was able to get the details when I did tutorial when playing gwent for the first time. However, I backtracked to previous saved game, did not do the tutorial with the scholar and now the detailed information for gwent is gone from the Tutorial screen. I now progressed far in the game and still don't have the detailed information for gwent when I go to the Tutorial in the game.
How do I get the Gwent tutorial details?