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Hi, I have just downloaded the Witcher 3 GOTY on Patch 1.31
When i hit play i goes grey for a few moments but nothing happens. Insdead i get the EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (3221225477) Error.
I have tried to find a solution on the internet but nothing worked for me.

My system (I know its not great but it should run anyway)
AMD Phenom(tm) X6 1075T 3.00 GHz
Windows 7 64 Bit
ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series

I just reinstalled windows as i got a new motherboard and added an SSD.
So my graphics card driver is uptodate.

Sorry, forgot to mark it as a question.
Post edited January 07, 2017 by john3331
Your graphics and RAM are below minimum requirements, so that could be the problem (not enough RAM). However, I saw one person fix this error by a simple reboot. It's worth a try.
RAM you need at least 6Gb...8 is better. And CPU you need 3.3GHz minimum. Aaaaand your graphic card is also not up to needed need a GeForce GTX 660 or a Radeon HD 7870. That's a MUST for minimum settings for the witcher 3. You can play the game with lower then needed CPU and least that's what i heard. But your graphiccard is the part where the game case scenario here would be witcher 3 in slowmo...had the unfortunate experince with my old laptop XD

recommendation from me? the game is totally worth the money for a new computer to get the highest settings and all... buy yourself the dragon age and mass effect series too and you'll have all the rpg-giants in your pocket for which a new comp will pay off entirely... ^^ just saying ;P
Post edited January 10, 2017 by elvenpast
The play button from gog galaxy went grey today, and game is not starting. I was playing yesterday and today morning. Nothing changed in config, there were no updates since few days.
I've reinstalled virtual C++, and I'm able to run game from witcher3.exe file. However I cannot play from my previous saves, becouse the DLC's and adds are needed (from goty).

My config:
Quadro K2000M
32gb ddr3
I'm starting to regret buying goty eddition and my first registration on :/
coshyk: ...
Don't hijack somebody else's unrelated thread. Make your own question.