ry8919: I completed Possession in NG+ and since then I cannot save nor mediate in Skellige. If I travel to Novigrad I can, but if I travel back to Skellige or open a save prior to completing the quest I cannot. Has anyone else had this issue?
It is a proper bug tied to the quest itself and can be resolved by the 2 points at the bottom.
The problem is related to the combat sequence while the Jarl tries to free the baby. It has NOTHING to do with skipping scenes nor bandits near the village.
If you drop to a certain health point - the combat auto resolves into the end scenes of the quest, and the game does not resolve the combat status.
1: Killing all 3 of the Skellige footmen before the next scene plays on can prevent this.
2: Additionally if an auto-save ticks over during the conversation scenes after quest completion you can just load that and the combat status will be resolved.
If you're sick of it glitching out, don't keep replaying it. Just set your auto-save period to minimum and wait in the conversation with everyone post quest until it pops, then load into that auto-save without a glitch state and revert your auto-save periods back to where you want them.